>>2002378 (lb)
They do this every couple of months when something makes them think the floodgates are going to open.
>>2002378 (lb)
They do this every couple of months when something makes them think the floodgates are going to open.
d/w, twitter will make sure he gets his followers back.
My brother died last year
On 7/11
That's the same day
That Gary Kildall
Who grew up in the same state
And worked in the same industry
And has a very similar last name to my brother
Was killed
In a biker bar
He believe Bill Gates had stolen his tech from him
And was very vocal about it
Satoru Iwata was also killed on that day
My brother was a very good man
27 years old
He worked as a programmer
And was interested in machine learning
He studied every day when he got home from work.
Less than a year before he died
He was flown in for an interview with Google
A "vetting" interview
My brother was vocally right wing "libertarian"
Wouldn't it be just like Google
Sergey Brin
To have programs
To identify people
That one day may be a threat to their world order
I find it very interesting that the docs are sealed in the Damore case
He died of a heart attack
Today and this month I honor my brother
And these two other fine gentlemen
God bless you all.
It's worth nothing
Controlled opposition faggots try to get back in so they can turn again.
It's the same game over and over.
Twitter is completely controlled.