Who is Lanny J. Davis
From: Lanny J. Davis
To: H
Sent: Sat Aug 07 21:33:05 2010
Subject: Re a message to Rabbi
Hi Hillary - see the message below to Rabbi from the
of the Palestinian Authority Task Force in DC.
Who is Lanny J. Davis
From: Lanny J. Davis
To: H
Sent: Sat Aug 07 21:33:05 2010
Subject: Re a message to Rabbi
Hi Hillary - see the message below to Rabbi from the
of the Palestinian Authority Task Force in DC.
Laurel or Yanny?
From: Lanny J. Davis
To: H
Sent: Sat Aug 07 21:33:05 2010
Subject: Re a message to Rabbi
Hi Hillary - see the message below to Rabbi from the
of the Palestinian Authority Task Force in DC
From today's HRC email release
Why so slidy, this is GOOD BREAD
The HRC EMAILS are great today!!!
Don't miss it Anons
Here is the text:
Jake Sullivan <
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 1:36 PM
Re: Fw: Re Israel Classified by DAS, A/GIS, DoS on 02/10/2017 — Class:
CONFIDENTIAL Reason: 1.4(B), 1.4(D), B1 —
Declassify on: 05/10/2032
on behalf of Jake Sullivan
Thanks. The signs aren't all negative these days – a welcome turn!
On 6/7/11, aclb wrote:
> Fyi. Forgot to put you in on this ! Best Tony
Original Message
• From: aclb
> To: 'HDR22@clintonemall.com' <HDR22@clintonemall. com>
> Sent: Sun Jun 05 17:29:47 2011
> Subject: Re Israel
• Saw Israeli PM. Put the conceGt of a Q statement. He was receptive.
> Palestinians interested too. I know there are discussions also you guys are
> having. And the French initiative. I 1.4(B)
Would be good to speak in next few days before I go back 1.4(D)
> again. B1 >
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UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-07895 Doc No. C06161397 Date: 07/02/2018
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Purple (Contrarian) Nation
Premature Celebration by Republicans?
Lanny Davis
Hillary Clinton HDR22@clintonemail.com
Premature Celebration by Republicans?
Purple (Contrarian) Nation
November 5, 2010
Premature Celebration by Republicans?
By Lanny J. Davis
http://thehill.com/opinion/colum nists/lanny-davis/1 27613-political-pendulum-will-re turn-to-center
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/la nny-davis/premature -celebration-by-_b_778549.html
http://clailycaller.com/2010/11/0 4/premature-celebra tion-by-republicans/
Here's one rule that is almost always true inside the Beltway:
Whenever all the media and political establishment are jumping on the telephone wire like a horde of blackbirds, embracing the
same conventional wisdom about the results of an election, the usual rule to follow is to jump in the other direction.
One recent example is that the CW after the 1994 deluge that brought the new Speaker, Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), to power was
that President Clinton was in serious trouble and a likely one-term lame duck. Then came welfare reform
Big Slide for HRC emails
From: Lanny J. Davis
To: Hillary Clinton HDR22@clintonemail.com
All say very significant - pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian were brothers and sisters thanks to you.
Ps. I swear you look younger and better every time I see you,
Good night dear Hillary.
Original Message
From: H
To: Lanny J. Davis
Sent: Wed Oct 20 22:30:02 2010
Subject: Re: ATFP speech–What a moving, inspirimg, and courageous speech, my good friend.
Thx, friend. I hope it helps.
Original Message
From: Lanny J. Davis
To: H
Sent: Wed Oct 20 19:49:46 2010
Subject: ATFP speech–What a moving, inspirimg, and courageous speech, my good friend.
Thank you H for who you are and what you do.
All the records are there anon. The Keystone.