You say that the Bread is being Cooked - for what? How do you even know the oven is even on? We see not 1 shred of evidence, in any court of law via charges in now year 3 of Trump…
You can give 1 billion recordings, photos, links, stories, money transactions, signed documents but whats it for? Trump has proven for 2 full years and entering year #3 now, he will not even attempt to charge anyone - even if he has all the iphone texts, recordings, photos, emails, bank transfers, etc? He refuses to even charge 1 politician with 1 crime but theirs a catch here. He's Bulking everthing. So someone has 50 crimes and its all in 1 case. Case finds a Conflict of Interest and bingo - all 50 crimes dropped. See the game but who cares? you aren't suppose to know how the games being set up… If he was honest, you open 1 court case and charge and then open another, and other. This way, if 1 gets dropped, you have others to back it up…
You aren't suppose to ever question logic here, and are suppose to be sleeping sheep who don't think outside what they are being brainwashed to think… So I'm a shill - that is Patriot War Vet, because you don't want to here or view what I said to wake you up.
Ask yourself - with all the crimes, why Trump refuses to drop the smallest of the small crimes against any criminal politician even ONE TIME? And remember, their is a 5 year window from the date of the crime to being charged… Imagine that right now today, 25% of all BOs crimes can not be charged - thanks to Trumps refusal to even ATTEMPT to try someone. Trump is being Blackmailed and the only logical explaination… Or he's creating his own Deep State, with his own family and set of friends,and pushing out the Bush/Clintons….. Think about it…. One slip and all 50 bulk charges will be dropped in 1 seconds…. You have been briefed and your eyes and brain energized back to reality….. How does it feel to be played for into year 3 right now? How long before you wake up and see no action? 4 years? 6 years? Sooner or later you will, but simple fix is Trump to charge 1 politician, with 1 small crime…But he won't. Follow blindly with not 1 atom of facts in year #3 now… Makes you think…