RubberDuck ID: 514545 Nov. 13, 2018, 5:58 a.m. No.3883076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4744 >>0635

We knew about the election fraud in Broward County, FL years ago… court cases… caught but no real penalties: Civil only & the Tax payers paid the fines & the Perpetrators kept their jobs. Gov. Scott did Nothing…. & now it’s a BIG PROBLEM.


To divert attention from the election fraud at least 42 people have been killed ( mass shooter at the Borderline Bar & the CA wildfires ). …. but…. we couldn’t stop the election fraud because we needed to catch these monsters “red handed” ( which resulted in forseeable deaths ).


Now, the “liberty minded” will clamor for their “mark of the beast” to prevent future election fraud….


Do Slaves or a Free People require ID?


Manipulated like minions…. AGAIN!


Election Fraud is TREASON…. there is nothing more destructive to a representative government then stifling the Voice & Will of The People…


True Patriots think for themselves & have studied the tactics of population control so they may recognize new applications of age old methods.


To all of you who find it so reasonable & fair to require new Voter ID laws: you were the same minions who caved to TSA strip searching you in airports while our borders remained open allowing terrorists to spread out & establish cells throughout our country… Feel good about that?


The “correct solution” is always the same: enforce the laws that already exist and Never allow “no penalty laws” for the deviants who represent the State…

RubberDuck ID: 514545 Nov. 21, 2018, 6 a.m. No.3983404   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The United Nations sounded like a good idea: A place where nations could meet & “work their conflicts out” avoiding war. We’re all for that kind of U.N…. but that’s not what we got.


What we got was a bunch of un-elected Bureaucrats who figured they could rip us all off ( Study the IMF: International Monetary Fund ) while imposing tyrannical control ( Global Treaties ) for the benefit of a few ( owners of multi-national corporations ).


Alcohol Prohibition required two Amendments to the U.S. Constitution: One to start it & One to Stop it…. Somehow, our Federal Government has come to the conclusion that an International ( Global ) Treaty overrules ( trumps / supersedes ) the U.S. Constitution. We consider this interpretation of treaty powers to be absolute treason 🤯… Why would the People EVER agree to give the power to overrule their rights to a bunch of foreigners who only represent their own interests? ( That’s crazy 😜 Right? )


The Stoner example is simple: The Hippies were clued in… They knew that the true power of America is with the People… So, they started getting together and advocating for change peacefully …. which, as usual really upset the “control freaks” who like to use violence to gain wealth & power.


Answer: Implement the U.N.’s global narcotics treaty which required governments to use force against their own populations to eradicate the “demon drugs”…. So, that’s what they did.


The “elite” won…. made big stacks…. threw the awakened & liberty minded in jail… Stoners lost ( killed, jailed, beaten, fined…. miserable 😩).


The entire time this great U.N. Global treaty Deception was at work & the People were being oppressed the Main Stream Media ( print, radio & TV ) were on the side of the “elite”…. There were no calls of “treason” & “impeachment” for that Congress & President that stomped on our Constitution… What we got was propaganda….


Stoners can tell the difference between a “good idea” & something that is actually “good”. The U.N. Is a “good idea” & one of the darkest forces on the planet ( we wish it weren’t true… but… we got our ass beat learning that lesson 🤕 ).


The White House wants “our input” on the U.N.’s International Narcotics treaty…. which is ironic since 33 States have already raised their middle finger to both the Fed & U.N. On that very topic. The right answer is to tell the U.N. To fuck-off… altogether. The historic problem with centralizing power is that it always leads to corruption & tyranny…. the more de-localized power: the more freedom. That’s why originally the Fed. Was limited to 19 specific “tasks” specified in the U.S. Constitution…. & the rest of the Power was then left to the States & the People… ( yeah… that’s “also” all fucked up right now 😭)


You have No Rights as long as international treaties are able to override our Constitution… and that’s just a fact. A fact you can change: We did tell the Dark Lords to fuck-off about weed…. The People still have the Power ( when they decide to use it ) 🤫