Anonymous ID: cfb63f July 3, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.2015366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5399 >>5419 >>5461 >>5496 >>5504

Ok, call this crazy, but Q is playing chess with us. Look carefully at the posts. Especially Q post #s - 350, 354, 365, 520, 531, and 568. He gives this to us repeatedly!

Very early on Q states 'Learn to read the map' - the map is a chess board. The drops are the chess pieces and moves. I think some of the stringers are also describing moves.

I've been working on this all morning and it just hit me. Someone had posted an upside down Queen from a post a while back. It got me looking deeper and then I found a bunch of chess pieces in the drops.


Look at these drops:

133 - Bishop Piece

249 - Pawn

128 - King

1265 - Upside down Queen

1078 - Maybe a [K]night??

229 - Castle or Rook


Take the text, put it into a text editor or Word doc and then center justify, its very obvious these are chess pieces.

Next cross these with words King, Queen, Bishop, Night (short for Knight) and Pawn in the drops. You start to see pieces and moves now flowing through the drops. I think what we're going to find is Q is playing a chess game with us. The question is what chess game is he playing? Future proves past, so maybe a historic play that fits to a conclusion yet to be fully revealed.

Anyway, maybe I'm seeing something that is not there, but it sure feels like the MAP is a chess board and Q is showing us the pieces and moves. If its a historic game, we can determine the ending and know the picture. Like Q says, we have more than we know!

Notice how they look like chess pieces. So now you build the chess board ('the MAP') and then put on the pieces and show the moves. I'll leave that to others to do, but I think there is something to this! Also some pieces are upside down and some are right side up. Thinking the right side up are one color and the upside down the opposing side. Good luck Patriots on further decodes. I'm too tired to put more of this together today and wanted this out to everyone before the 4th!

Chess, the Military's oldest game!

Hats off to you Q!!

Happy 4th PATRIOTS, Q, Q+ and 4, 10, 20!!


Anonymous ID: cfb63f July 3, 2018, 1:18 p.m. No.2015461   🗄️.is 🔗kun




33 minutes ago

Q350 Shall we play a game? Find the spider(s) and build the web (the ‘map’)…. How about a nice game of chess? Q

Q384 Bill Binney. Q
