I was thinking someone said reposting images here, changes the file, so then I thought we had to go outside the Chans to find the original… But if /pol is the point of data exchange, none of that makes sense. The only thing us new fags can offer you, is fresh perspective: brand new eyes. An eye for an eye is fine, if you give me yours and I give you mine.
Anyhoo… this whole thing is worth a read, but things start heating up in July (Coincidence? Pic related): https://8ch.net/pol/res/11847601.html#12010876
7/12: Syrian Electric Army
7/13: Coincidence pic: a sign? ID: adad33, def chosen.
7/15: Someone complaining about “gigantic pics about nothing”, says please stop in /crypto posts too. Did anyone find a correlation between file size?
7/22: “…most corrupt images have steg” = Good to know, anymore helpful tidbits floating around?
9/7: Post re: steg, poster ID: 000000, def chosen. Clearly someone with knowledge, lurking and checking images. Follow them? There are few real humans, choices limited. Also, this exchange almost seems scripted, dropping hints? The whole thread could be a set up, but who’s the trap set for? Us or them?
We’re trying to intercept black hat comms, right? They hang where it’s easy to mix with bots. Spot the difference, people are jaded and quick to dismiss. “How do you hide a message in clear sight?” Amongst other random images, possibly on a thread dedicated to such. These people are stupid, right? How do they get the password to each other? Always the same? I’d say try: JEWS, but that’s too easy. What’s one step up from “too stupid”? PW is file name?
Or else we’re being led to pol, to get the answers on HOW to crack the code/spot the images. Q doesn’t have to be “Q”, white hats have to have a way of being known too. Dark/Light, Mirror, blah blah blah… Haven’t gotten ahold of PK yet, handing off until then. If this is repeat info, super duper my bad. Am phonefag, hard to scroll. Using “find on page” tool to dig = annoying to the maxxxxx.