Anonymous ID: 5e9edd Sept. 18, 2018, 12:21 a.m. No.3070141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0311 >>1127 >>3664
  1. I remember when dedicated research board was created. We all knew to keep it quiet. We should not be posting the url for /qresearch/ in a document that will be spread far and wide to normies. From the beginning, we have worked to keep the focus and quality at qresearch as high as possible. Draw them to the other normie boards on 8chan, but not qresearch.


  1. Agreeing here that we should not bind this document to a point in time, but should be generic in reference to time so that someone reading it in a year still gets a sense of freshness.


  1. I get that this was originally drafted by a sciencey type person, but with all due respect, feel it should be more clear that Q has quoted from the Bible on numerous occasions. There's a reason for this. Q's been diplomatic about it, not specifically preachy, which is nice, but to be frank the Cabal well know that underneath this all is a battle between Jesus Christ and Lucifer. Note that the depth of evil in some of the rituals we've learned about can only be understood by comprehending the Satanic context, and it helps for newbies to grasp this as early as possible before the true depth of evil becomes clear. So in addition to the welcome commendation to prayer at the end of the doc, I recommend we add an item to the list in "IV. WHAT DOES Q POST ABOUT?": "Quotes from the Bible, both Old and New Testament," and maybe even conclude with this one from one of the first posts ever:


Q: on Nov 1 2017 21:56:38 (EST)

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”