Anonymous ID: 6c0858 Aug. 7, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.2494474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5674

I did about 70% of it, then stopped. Feel free to use or discard any of what follows:




I (page 1):


Q, the anonymous poster who gained a considerable of amount attention over the past few weeks, is now receiving attention from the Mainstream Media (MSM). While the MSM have written stories before about Q, a notable increase in the number of stories written occurred after President Trump’s rally in Tampa Bay on July 31, 2018. This brief introduction is intended to educate those who are unaware of, interested in, or beginning to follow Q, and to refute the misinformation, disinformation, and fake news about Q. The Great Awakening and Q are not “conspiracy theories”, but an information operation and movement that is completely nonviolent, seeks truth, and wants to help President Trump make America great again.

This introduction is not meant to explain all that Q has said in the information and intel posted (known as crumbs, an allegory to bread crumbs), just the basics. To get a complete explanation, it would be best to go to sites like,,, and other similar sites that compile crumbs, side by sides (graphics with sources confirming intel in crumbs side by side), and proofs (proving coincidences mentioned by Q are not coincidences). To properly be introduced to Q, and the movement associated with Q called the Great Awakening, there are main themes the reader should understand: where and when did Q start to post; who posts as Q; what is Q and the Great Awakening; and why does Q post? Knowing the answers to these basic questions, someone who is ignorant of, curious about, or just starting to learn about Q can further his understanding by reading more crumbs and viewing more graphics. This is also intended to educate the MSM, which seems to not understand the basics of Q and the Great Awakening, yet continue to write uninformed, ridiculous, and laughable stories that are rightly considered by we the people, fake news. All claims are backed up by Q’s crumbs and are found on the previously mentioned sites.

Anonymous ID: 6c0858 Aug. 7, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.2494476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5674

II (page 2):


The first crumb that Q posted was on 4chan, an image board Internet forum launched in 2003. Q posted in the thread named “Mueller investigation” on the board /pol/ on October 29th, 2017, and on other threads that day. On October 31st, 2017, Q then posted in the thread named “Bread Crumbs - Q Clearance Patriot”. Late on November 1st, 2017, the thread “Calm Before the Storm” (CBTS), named after President Trump’s mysterious phrase said on October 5th, 2017, was created. Q posted on multiple iterations of CBTS (536 total threads) until saying 4chan was infiltrated, deciding to move to 8chan.

8chan, a non-affiliated image board similar to 4chan, was launched in 2013 as a free-speech alternative to the increasingly hostile 4chan. A board was created with the same name as the thread Q posted in on 4chan, /cbts/ on November 19th, 2017. Q posted on /cbts/ until January 6th, 2018 (308 total general threads), saying the board had been compromised. Q had several problems using the tripcode, a “pseudo-registration” that verifies a poster’s identity, notably on December 14th and 21st, 2017, among other instances. This inability to use the tripcode forced the anons, the anonymous posters who followed and conversed with Q on these boards, to make a new board /thestorm/. Q first posted on /thestorm/ on January 5th, 2018. Q and anons stopped using /thestorm/ after 41 general threads due to internal disputes and self-promotion, forcing another migration to a new board. On Monday, January 8th, 2018, the board still in use today was created, named REDACTED HAHA (this will not be given, and the board being currently used will be referred to as The Board). Q has been able to post freely on The Board since then, and still posts crumbs to the day this missive was written. Q also made a private board, for just Q, for the first time named /greatawakening/ also on January 8th, 2018. On previous boards, Q would post crumbs and anons could discuss them there, with Q. On the private board, just Q would post, in case there was an inability to use the tripcode. On March 28th, 2018, Q stopped using /greatawakening/, saying it was under attack. After a long delay, Q made /patriotsfight/ on May 4th, 2018, the private board Q uses today. There are no communications outside these boards or with anyone privately, and like Q stated, anyone claiming otherwise should be considered fake news and disregarded immediately.

The MSM cannot accurately describe how The Board works, so some clarification is needed. 8chan is maintained by the Code Monkey (CM), who hosts The Board. The Board Owner (BO) maintains The Board, appointing Board Volunteers (BV) to help. 8chan has a limit on how many posts each thread can have, 751. So, in order to maintain the research anons do in the general thread, an anon must make (bake) a new thread (bread) each time one thread (bread) reaches 751 posts. This anon is known as the Baker. The Baker is responsible for posting Q’s recent crumbs, notable posts of research from the previous thread, and other important information and links used by anons (the dough). The Board has several other threads, besides the general research thread, to keep memes, side by sides, and other research topics. These are maintained by the BO and BVs. Those who attempt to disrupt, discredit, or distract anons on The Board are referred to as clowns or shills. Q can go for weeks posting several times a day, while during certain times not posting for weeks. There have been more than 2 million posts on The Board, over 1700 crumbs dropped by Q in total, and tens of millions have been reached. Q and the anons who spread the crumbs with their associated graphics will continue to reach millions more, not just in the United States of America but around the world.

Anonymous ID: 6c0858 Aug. 7, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.2494478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5674

III (page 3):


Q posts anonymously, but there are hints to who Q could be. The signoff as Q in most crumbs began in a post on November 2nd, 2017. Before then, Q introduced the concept of being a “Q Clearance Patriot”. “Q Clearance” is a Department of Energy security clearance that has access to Top Secret, Secret, and Formerly Restricted Data, in addition to National Security Information. This clearance is similar to the Top Secret clearance in the Department of Defense. Importantly however, Q never claims to have this specific clearance, or to work for the Department of Energy. It is an allusion. The “Q Clearance” signifies that Q has a high level clearance, and alludes to the “Q Clearance” given to Jack Ryan in The Hunt for Red October when he did not have the necessary clearance to help in the hunt for the rogue submarine. The “Q Clearance” allusion is meant to imply that Q has the necessary level of security clearance to be cryptically divulging information, while maintaining national security and not leaking.

Q has also posted under other signoffs: “The WH”, “4,10,20”, “Q+”, “Q, DELTA”, and “Q [auth478-24zgP]”. Q occasionally does not use a signoff, yet anons know it is still Q due to the tripcode being used. There are several unconfirmed theories on each of their meaning, but it is best if individuals see the signoffs in their contexts to draw their own conclusions. Q has said at least three times that “We serve at the pleasure of the President”, implying not only does Q work for President Trump, but that Q is a team. Early on, Q would use “I” a few times, but now only uses “we”. Q on occasion posts pictures of the President’s pen and signatures, scenes from Air Force One while the President is traveling, and other images and crumbs that imply Q is close to the President. Q has said that “Less than 10 can confirm [who or what Q is]”, adding that “only three are non-Military”. It is important to note that the anons on The Board do not try to “dox”, or try to identify, who exactly Q is. Q is a team of high-ranking officials within the Trump Administration who post to awaken the public to sensitive and important happenings that the media may or may not report on, and provide insider context. While less than 10 people can confirm Q, it is widely thought that there are multiple people that post as Q. Notably, serving the President, who serves the American people, also implies Q serves the American people. Due to the fact anons do not know whether Q is a single person or a few people when posting, it is common to refer to Q as a singular person.

By reading Q’s crumbs, someone can infer that whoever posts as Q is close to President Trump. The policies President Trump advocates, the events President Trump partakes in, and strategies President Trump deploys are all mentioned by Q in real time, along with the other pictures that imply a connection between Q and the President. In real time, anons have decoded Q's sometimes-cryptic messages to understand what President Trump’s intentions were for a specific event or policy. While the public awaits the revelation of who posts as Q, anons were given this on March 10th, 2018 in reference to who Q is: “How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.” Who Q is remains a mystery to anons and the public, but it is not important. The messages, information, intel, and facts that Q posts should be and are important. Anons do not focus on who Q is, but focus on what Q is saying. The intel decoded from the crumbs gives anons and the public thereafter seemingly insider information on what President Trump’s administration has done, is doing, and will do.

Anonymous ID: 6c0858 Aug. 7, 2018, 3:47 a.m. No.2494482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5674

IV (pages 4 and 5):


Starting from Q’s first crumb, there have been cryptically worded statements and questions that are meant to lead anons and the public to insider information about the policies, events, and strategies of President Trump. This was, is, and will be done without violating National Security (NATSEC) and Operational Security (OPSEC) rules, so there is no leaking or divulging of secret or classified information. Q serves at the pleasure of the President, and the intention of this information operation, known as the Great Awakening, is to inform the public, whom the President serves. The intel is focused on what President Trump faced, is facing, and will face as the leader of the free world. The President faces corruption, subversion, sedition, and evil; and is fighting them for we the people of America, and ultimately the world. Q uses “signatures” that are cryptic phrases or allusions to hint at ongoing or upcoming events. Signatures like “Alice and Wonderland” (not to be confused with just Alice), “Sum of all Fears”, “Hunt for Red October”, and others are meant to allude to an event that cannot be explained at the time the signature is used. Q also uses “stringers” that are important, puzzling, and complex strings of words, numbers, letters, and symbols that are meant convey more sensitive information. As an example of what stringers are, Q posted this within a series of stringers on November 25th, 2017: _FREEDOM-_v05_yes_27-1_z. This being a basic introduction to Q and the Great Awakening, an overview will be provided so that people who are interested can research and learn for themselves what the crumbs imply so they draw their own conclusions at the sites stated in the introduction and through viewing the associated side by sides and proofs.

Anonymous ID: 6c0858 Aug. 7, 2018, 3:47 a.m. No.2494487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5674

Q started primarily with a macroscopic view on the World Order and its structure President Trump was elected to confront, disrupt, and change for we the people. Q, unusually overtly, stated there are three “puppet masters” that exert a large amount of power on the world. The house of Saud, the Rothschild family, and George Soros each have their own sources of financing and control mechanisms. The house of Saud, the dynastical monarchs of Saudi Arabia, has amassed trillions of dollars from oil exports. The Saudi Arabian influence across the Sunni Arab world has resulted in the funding of several radical Islamic terrorist groups and malicious political influence in the West. Thankfully because of allies in Saudi Arabia and President Trump’s actions, Saudi Arabia has been largely removed from this power structure. The Rothschild family has been attaining trillions of dollars in wealth through their banking and other financing for centuries. Their control over central banking, wars, and governments enables them to dictate policies, laws, and the actions of politicians. George Soros, with likely an undeclared fortune of around one trillion dollars, is able to control markets, influence many politicians, and lobby governments through his large apparatus of subversive political organizations. Q stated Soros took the place of the Rockefeller family held in this World Order, Soros takes orders from the Pope and Vatican, and the Pope serves the Rothschild family. This power structure over the world, known as the Cabal, along with the compromised monarchies, politicians, governmental agencies (Deep State), corporations, charities, media organizations, and other private individuals is what President Trump is fighting. This same Cabal of corrupted, compromised, and evil individuals was fighting to prevent President Trump, and we the people, from winning in the 2016 election.

Q has stated, “They never thought [Hillary Clinton] would lose”. With her victory, which this Cabal fought for unsuccessfully, the Cabal would have continued unimpeded and increased its illegitimate control over the world and its people. The Cabal tried everything they could to get her elected: the financiers spending billions of dollars, media organizations lying, Deep State actors within government agencies leaking, and even spying on President Trump as a candidate, president-elect, and while in office. After macroscopically describing the Cabal, crumbs started focusing on detailed events the Cabal did, is doing, and likely will do. The spying on President Trump and his campaign is an example of how Q began focusing microcosmically on events. Q goes into detail about how the CIA, FBI, DNI, Five Eye alliance, Republicans, Democrats, President Barack Hussein Obama and his White House, and others colluded to abuse the FISA process with a “dossier” to illegally spy on President Trump and insert plants and spies into his campaign. Pre-empting the public release of their crimes, they unsuccessfully framed President Trump with the false projective allegations of collusion with Russia involving the “hacking” of emails from Hillary, the DNC, John Podesta, and others.

Anonymous ID: 6c0858 Aug. 7, 2018, 3:48 a.m. No.2494489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5674

Q’s crumbs cover a large and wide variety of topics, events, and scandals. Government agencies like the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ, and others; Globalism, mass migration, Cultural Marxism, human trafficking, the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, WikiLeaks, Seth Rich, Snowden, Mueller, Huber, many discredited officials from Obama’s presidency, President Trump’s strategies and executive orders; corruption in media, illegal spying on citizens, infiltrations of the United States government by foreign bad actors, extremist organizations like ISIS and Antifa; political subversion used by the Cabal and their politicians; foreign policy strategies on North Korea and Iran; compromised and controlled politicians; and much more is covered in the over 1700 crumbs without leaking or breaking national security laws. Q aims to reveal who controls the world, how they control the world, and what is being done to stop this control. We the people of the United States of America elected President Trump to fight against this control for us, as our representative.

Q serves the President, and the President serves we the people, therefore Q serves we the people as well. We the people need to know what we are fighting, so we can know how to fight it. This enlightening of the public, not just in America but worldwide, is known as the Great Awakening. After Q posts crumbs, the anons of The Board decode and decipher their meanings and spread them to the rest of the public. The timing of when the crumbs are posted is important. Whether the crumbs precede or come after the events they describe, it nonetheless allows anons to spread the insider information to the public in order to educate, apprise, and awaken those who do not know. Anons make memes to make the message easy to spread, side by sides to show through open source reporting what the crumbs mean, and proofs to show Q and President Trump’s connections and similar thought processes. No one is forcing anons to decode the crumbs, research, make graphics, or spread the information to the public. The intel contained in the crumbs is revealing, informative, and educational. Anons think it is for the good of the country and the world for the public to understand their meanings. Millions have been reached, and millions more will be in the future. The control the Cabal exerts on the world is decreasing and their grip on humanity is weakening everyday. Q’s posts have shown millions what the Cabal has been doing, who is in the Cabal, and how the Cabal has been controlling the world, with more being revealed to the public everyday.

Anonymous ID: 6c0858 Aug. 7, 2018, 3:48 a.m. No.2494491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5674

V (page 6):


On the second day Q posted, October 29th, 2017, Q first used the term Great Awakening and has used it many times since. On January 8th, 2018, Q first used the phrase “Where we go one, we go all”. Q has used many other phrases including “Truth belongs to the people”, “The choice to know will ultimately be yours”, “Expand your thinking”, “Dark to light”, “You are not alone in this fight”, “Good will always defeat evil”, “Future proves past”, and “You are the calm before and during the storm”. These phrases signal, not just to the anons that decode, research, and spread the crumbs but for the public as well, that we the people can help President Trump fight by educating others on what we are fighting. President Trump faces both known and unknown challenges, and the unknown are being revealed to the public daily.

The Great Awakening is not a conspiracy theory or a cult, as those that discredit would like the public to think. It is a sophisticated and coordinated information operation from within President Trump’s administration to enlighten the public on what was discussed in the previous section and the vast amounts of information not mentioned. An informed public is an important part in making America great again and keeping America great. The purpose of Q and the Great Awakening is to educate the population of the United States of America and the world on the structure of control being exerted upon them by politicians, bankers, financers, big business of all kinds, government agencies, and private individuals. Q stated, “These, the crumbs, in time, will equate to the biggest drops ever disclosed in our history”, and everyday, more and more is revealed about the corruption of, control used by, and crimes committed by the Cabal. The Declaration of Independence that lead to the founding of the great nation that is the United States of America said “…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…” and it is relevant today. We the American people did this by electing President Trump to change our government and Q, through the Great Awakening, is enlightening we the people on the what the enemies of the people have done, are doing, and will do to fight this historic change. The intensification of attacks against Q, the Great Awakening, we the people, and the President are ill timed, because this is still the calm before the storm.

God bless the Nations of the World, and God bless a World of Nations.

God bless all Patriots, President Trump, and the United States of America.

