>change of management in the Vatican's corporation
Benedict's reign coincided with tax issues with the EU. There was a financial coup with the Vatican bank, and a switcheroo was made. This and the homosexual/mason cabal et. al. seem to have played a part in his 'resignation', forced or otherwise.
>There are now 13 states (and growing) proceeding with broad investigations.
This may well be part of the design for a Great Apostasy. RICO is absolutely appropriate, and frankly, ought to be treated as sedition/acts of war. Vatican vaults need to be raided, and this sort of case would be a fine pretext. No 'catholic' state power exists that would intervene.
See the Binai Brith allegations. Not certain myself either way. The Demonic possession angle would be useful as a psyop to promote paganistic notions/actual demonic possession susceptibility through awareness alone, where there had been none (and therefore no cause for doubt).
>auspicious dubs: checked
Talmudist infiltration seems to ebb and flow in Church history, – the true history of this infiltration of Roman elites before Constantine would be fascinating to know.
This is not a bad idea.
>J. Baptiste Janssens, Black Pope
The only other I've seen float this was Dave Janda (brief erstwhile State representative, USA; interesting takes w/ presumed Swamp contacts from his DC days.)
>(((Columbus was a marano jew)))
The Catalan lineage is probably equally as true as the Italian – after Venice, this region was the Templar western Templar power base, and in close proximity to where the Zohar/Kabbala texts were distributed to Iberian Jews on Pope orders, against their wishes (starting the rivalry.)