if it helps - I live in Rome and after learning about all their symbols embedded in buildings and shit, I started photographing a lot of these satanic structures and can upload the images. This town is dripping in this crap. Not sure if these pix will help but they are interesting and revealing. I leave you with building I did a double take on, one morning, on the facade of the Banca D'italia here in Rome and had to get right underneath it to realize it was a fleur de lis. All I could see was the alien face staring at me from across the street.
THAt is brilliant.
This is Giò Pomodoro's work - he's an Italian artist. His stuff is all over Italy and abroad. He knew some esoteric stuff for sure.
here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKAVGnInFOY
here: https://mysteryoftheiniquity.com/ezekiels-wheels/trumpets-of-the-echo-sphere/
and here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gi%C3%B2_Pomodoro
and here's some more. The ball looks like a reptile eye staring out from within the earth……my two cents.
then this disc found in Milan - to me - makes me think of a replica of Atlantis turned on it's side for all to see. Again, these are my gut instincts. No proof nor intel on the artist. Just basing it on first glance and what hits me and obviously where they are found (usually in bastions of world controlling areas).