Anonymous ID: 0e0898 April 30, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.1251159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4032


While I agree that it cannot be proven, as Q would be entirely unable to reply in a direct manner due to NATSEC, it seems a fairly hearty coincidence that the response time matches up in the manner of a previous communication to Q through the board which Q responded to, less than 24 hours prior.


As well, in an expanded coincidental way, the 18 additional seconds after 10 minutes, manages to come up again in Q's next post 'R=18.' which was posted under the anonymous moniker, and not Q, which Q acknowledged by linking to the post in the same way that he did (a silent nod?) with the incarnated ET post.


As for the anonymous SSP story that was posted, there is clearly a very limited amount of verification that can be done. It may be more prudent to take the entire series of events as a coincidence, and allow others to expand their thinking onto what may be going on in the 98% of this war that is behind the scenes. Maybe this series of events will continue to expand.

Anonymous ID: 0e0898 May 4, 2018, 4:40 p.m. No.1301203   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Regarding Curtis LeMay-

It seems He was a big player at Area 51 back in the day, according to this excerpt from an interview with David Adair.

Anonymous ID: 0e0898 May 10, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.1361234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2184 >>0654 >>0661 >>9496


I just tried this space-zoom-in-and-out method by it's lonesome last night-sort of on a whim, on the outskirts of a big sleeping city, as a test to it's veracity. I've long believed in ET presence though I've never seen one before. I'm fairly competent in my mind's eye skills, and was able to focus in on the universe down on through to our grand speck of Earth, and on through the inner earth (for good measure), then back out again into the cosmic expanse.. Sure enough, after opening my eyes and focusing on the skies, I quickly caught sight of two bright white winks in the same spot less than a minute after that internal focus, well above and over the direction of the city I happened to be facing. Not a man's plane, as I'm able to discern the lights of a 787 from the rest of the boeing fleet flying at 40k feet if need be- These were much brighter than any star in the sky.

Maybe under better future circumstance, I'll be welcomed with a close-up view, but for now I'll strive for some mental contact. But that wink alone was a fine validation, and first contact, for my personal experience ;) Real simple!



As for how to bring the Q movement closer, it's still a while away, but a mass focus during the 11-11 parade may wake up quite a many people, if it hasn't become a Q focus by then.

Anonymous ID: 0e0898 June 5, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.1647415   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just got done posting this in the general, however it's probably useful to keep here as well..


For fellow Full Disclosure allies out there; Just got done watching the 5th episode of the Tesla Files series that was released on Friday on the history channel (I believe Q team is pulling quite a few strings there since the "Chain of Command" show crumb). It's amazing to see some of the things that are starting to take hold in the normie sphere.


A short recap of the episode dives into a theory that the New Yorker hotel that Tesla was staying in was actually a fully functional version of Wardenclyffe- Similar ~600 ft total height, a 7' diameter metal exhaust stack runs the full height of the tower, an excessively large 'transmission room' on the 41st floor which had enough floor space to be a potential workshop for Tesla, underground corridors leading in multiple directions like Wardenclyffe, and a generator room that can provide more than thrice the amount of power needed for the hotel's daily needs.. but the more interesting bits is where they were piecing together the connections between Tesla, and Dr. Vannevar Bush, of Majestic 12 Fame…


Yes, the brain scrambling programmatrons are actually mentioning Majestic Twelve on the airwaves! Anywho, the connection story-line that the show hosts were attempting to build goes something like this:

>Be Tesla

>Exploring ideas in silence out in Colorado Springs, away from greedy fuckwads back in New York.

>Find wireless power capabilities through neat tower construction, and also realize the same tower structure receives messages from fucking martians (at least, you assume they're martians.. who knows where they're really from..)!

>eventually make way back to New York to make Wardenclyffe for larger scale wireless energy/transmission tower.

>Fall into disrepute because JP Morgan, your financier, wants to protect his copper mining interests in the middle of frozen fucking nowhere Alaska instead.

>All the newspapers slander you.

>Somewhere along the line, catch the interest of Dr. Vannevar Bush & other deep project war tech people

>New Yorker Hotel constructed, remarkably similar, albeit concealed, design of Wardenclyffe.

>Enjoy the company of pigeons; They make great messengers when there's countless other countries trying to spy on your amazing technology skillz through the massive phone switchboard which just so happens to be a few floors above you.

>have portrait made of your favorite pigeon.

>Dr. Vannevar Bush wrote an article on using pigeons for guidance on homing missiles; Project Pigeon.

>Also director of office of research and development as of 1941.

<Imply covertly working with high level players such as Bush, and your 'alone and penniless' story is just a cover.


<Later, Be Dead.

<Feds come in and rummage through your junk.


>John G. Trump told to look through your junk by Dr. Vannevar Bush

>Suggest it's a big nothingburger publicly.

>Wright-Patterson AFB later requests all the Tesla Documents available; which later also became the center of Airforce UFO investigations through Project Blue Book and related projects..

>Vannevar Bush brought on to MJ-12 committee, which worked on exploring and covering up UFO/Alien related projects.


>You are watching a movie. -Q

2018 will be Glorious!

Anonymous ID: 0e0898 June 20, 2018, 6:28 p.m. No.1838611   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you've ever flown a plane at night, you'd realize how useless a dim light source would be from the ground. The whole world is lit up below.. you can just make out a squad car's lights 15 miles out, and 2 miles up, through countless murky fields and rows of dim glowing streetlamps, building lighting, car headlights, etc.. Consider the acronym of laser- "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" and why it could be simpler for some one above to discern that over a regular bulb.