Anonymous ID: fd7530 April 5, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.913105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q Team & POTUS,

I've asked this in a thread before, but reiterate in this appropriate area to ensure it is noted-

Please pass along the thanks of a humble family anon to those who work under cover for drugs. The public will never know the hell and horror they see, never consider the fact that these brave men & women intentionally put poison into their bodies and associate with human vermin, witness depraved, disgusting and pathetic behavior, all to protect Joe & Jane Q Public and our children. No one will know their names, or ever thank them personally. The restraint they must have, the dedication to our country and rule of law is awesome in the actual sense of the word, and is appreciated. Those of us who think on these things can only imagine what they must witness, must participate in, all to bring down some top scumbags. We can try to imagine but it won't come close. Please, please pass along our thanks to them. Our children won't be approached by a drug dealer because of their dedication and restraint. Enormous, heartfelt thanks to them.


And also, separately but specifically to the ones who must view disgusting, horrific images of children. This soul-crushing job must be done by someone until it is eradicated and those who volunteer or are assigned to this task pay a very heavy price, but we who think on these things, appreciate them. Those children who they view will never know, the public will never know, but they bear this burden for all of us and are undoubtedly changed forever because of it. Please pass along our thanks to them, and let them know they are in our prayers, too. We are behind them and can only imagine their sacrifice and deeply appreciate it.


On a more personal note, many of us who have autism/asbergers who have researched, dug and invested in various obscure and unusual subjects, who shunned the "culture" of marxist takeover and inanity in favor of reality (stone cold, as OP said "house of horrors") and become inured, who followed various threads of leads across time and subjects, become immune to social stigma of certain taboo subjects and therefore have a unique perspective, are very, very happy and relieved to be able to participate in this epic, world-changing project. In whatever small way we can, we do. Nice, dickish, tsundere (learn this word & you will understand much more) it is all necessary and contributes. We see, we ponder and consider, we don't always comment/post, and the greatest connections/revelations/epiphanies we can't share here for obvious reasons, but we do see, understand and try to convey it in a way that is not damaging to OPSEC. We succeed sometimes and fail other times, hopefully not too badly.


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to contribute in a positive way, something we never imagined we would ever be afforded, but would never pass up. We don't need recognition, to be remembered, or any recompense. To contribute is the reward. Thank you for coming to us, for believing in us, for giving us the opportunity we were meant for, radicalized, activated or not. Though our contributions may not be monumental, our analysis not always be correct, our attitude (or manners) not always the best, our memes or infographs duds, this is what real life is about - something so much bigger than ourselves - this is true patriotism and true humanity.


Thanks to all of the planners worldwide also, all the team around the world in various governments and out, in business, organizations and every military and level. Risks, big risks you have and are taking. The world is at stake and it is absolutely worth it. The land mines are being tripped, the noose is tightening and the plans are coming to fruition. Those who can see trust the plan and those involved even if we don't understand at the moment. The soldiers trust the generals, losses will be taken but they are expected and unavoidable. This is total war and the world is at stake. We believe in you and know the cause is just, the risks are worth it because surrender and it's consequences are untenable.


To all those who have assisted, on all levels everywhere: thank you and peace be with you.