Start by showing them the trafficking of humans in migration context and all the provable lies they used over the years to sell us a perfectly avoidable and unnecessary catastrophe. Prove it: muh war refugees = only 3% of illegal migrants is from warzone dixit UN etc etc. Then show them it has been a plan prepared for decades. Prove with texts:
Declaration of Strasbourg, Declaration of Barcelona, Declaration of Marrakesh.
Point them towards the underlying ideological trendsetters, mainly Kalergi-Oudenhove.
Show who won the Kalergi prize the last twenty years (its name is prix Charlemagne)
Show them all the pics you saved from here where we detailed the jewish plans for Europe: where the jews think Europe should be multikulti but also think Israel should never be mulitkulti. Show the videos with Barbara Lerner-Spectre for ewample.
Step by step. Don't hurry. Let them come up with questions along the process, then look for the right redpilling answer.
Good luck.