Anonymous ID: 003138 Aug. 14, 2018, 5:36 p.m. No.2603404   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The problem is apathy.

Not many care about politics or corruption or anything other than just trying to survive. Sports, social media and porn are all part of the escape from trying to survive. Since JFK and more so since 911, the people have been shown, it's worthless to try. Pointless to go public and futile to expect justice. Hours and hours of video, miles of documentation, and nothing to come of it. A brief search of YT will yield scores of results, information brought forward from the public to the powers that be and justice was left for dead.

This will not change until someone charged with the application of accountability actually applies accountability. The strength of and popularity of POTUS is based on a great hope of finally, someone who will bring justice to those so deserving for so long. If justice is not produced, that hope will turn to anger.