Anonymous ID: 06a9b7 Aug. 14, 2018, 5:36 p.m. No.2603402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So let me get this straight. I go take a nap and come back and Q has basically said that Mossad is the top of the pyramid of American Media and Politicians?


LOL. And all the Right Wing Israel is our friend fags are crying?


Now they will find out that Jews do not have friends. They have puppets, minions or slaves but friends they do not have.


Finally the the stupid Jew defenders will face their rightful scorn.


Oh but Jared Kushner is a Jew! LOL.


Trump and his daughter are warriors. If they had to fuck a Jew as a part of their mission they did what had to be done. But as we know from Rudy. Jared is disposable.

Anonymous ID: 06a9b7 Aug. 14, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.2603666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3687


People have been saying this for years but all the mainstream Media was Jewish owned and refused to explain it to Americans. This is the power of the Jew. To make you not talk about the pimple on the end of your nose.


Q is here to move the Overton Window on the Jew Question. The Jew was confident they controlled America. The right wing which would normally protect us has been infiltrated by Jews into creating a Judo/Christian meme. But their is no real Judo/christian world. It is a Talmud/cuck world.


Hopefully not for much longer.


Jews dont have friends. They have subjects or targets. They are running a scam on everything they do and say. Nothing the Jews say is the truth. Stop listening to Jews.