Anonymous ID: b2f37d Aug. 14, 2018, 5:25 p.m. No.2603166   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2602781 (pb)

Peter Strzok = Key Stone


~~~~~Anonymous ID:J7YUfSgJ Sat 27 May 2017 13:54:10 No.127344232


Oh and just a tip… when you're trying to pick apart hidden meanings around vague phrase placements like, "watch for falling rocks" and "keystone", realize that Trump's election win, WAS the pulled "keystone" and "falling rocks", are the fallout of his win. ;o)


~~~~~Anonymous ID:8b+04yfE Sun 12 Nov 2017 20:23:50 No.149185739

I was posting my the below when thread archived out, y'all. It's important though so I'm posting it here.



Ok brah, I get that ignoring shills is key and we certainly don't want to waste time entertaining them with attention but but you do realize that Keystone (part of the CIA's AngelFire project) and ELSA were part of the Vault 7 release, correct?


If you know this because you've reviewed Vault 7 thoroughly and understand what's being covered, then you also realize WHY Vault 7 ties directly back to those 7, super secret "super computers" named the Seven Dwarfs and EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID for the CIA, while illegally being funded to circumvent the NSA, right??!


I just want to be sure y'all are fully aware of this yourselves and have reviewed the attached in full, before discrediting and disregarding. I think you'll find A LOT here that's very credible. Much of which ties DIRECTLY to what Q has mentioned in specific sequence, as well.


I'm not saying Disney IS North Korea or runs North Korea, at all. That's just fucking silly. But I will say that in many of the same ways the corrupted entertainment industry has colluded with "them" to manipulate, brainwash and influence many of us, the degrees to which North Koreans have been manipulated, brainwashed and influenced by the same "them", are far, FAR worse, in comparison. But don't let AngelFire/Keystone and ELSA slip past you just because shills piggy back off of legitimate facts, to distract and dissuade y'all. Like I said earlier, a lot of what you're looking for, is already easily available/accessible. Q isn't trying to make this complicated, hence his sequential redundancy. He's just trying to get you to take what's there, and link it to what he's telling you is coming. ;o)


~~~~~Anonymous ID:8b+04yfE Sun 12 Nov 2017 20:43:58 No.149187967


Awe, I always think little sidebars like this are very nice and I do see them, even through my paragraphs of posts, haha! So thanks y'all. I appreciate it.


~~~~~Anonymous ID:oW7Dyju+ Sun 12 Nov 2017 21:45:07 No.149195075


Y'all are severely missing the "AI" point, if this is where you're headed.


The point of the AI reference also happens to be the point of why anons with breadcrumbs might choose to drop a few here. YOU have what AI never will. AI will never compete with enlightened, educated, "woke" masses. It's literally an impossible technology to achieve because the difference is what makes us humans, which AI will NEVER possess.


Simply put, AI declared a war on the human masses, decades ago. The more time that went by, the dumber and more reliant we allowed out human masses to become. /pol/ is an example of AI hive defection and defiance. Plain and simple. It's more complicated than this because it gets into the technical software/application/network specifics of AI and the automation of such, but that's a lot to phonefag and I'm too fucking lazy right now. I might have posted about it earlier… I forget if the thread had archived before I could post.


~~~~~Anonymous ID:g9drJ/U5 Mon 13 Nov 2017 14:23:50 No.149278184


And guess who funded it all, y'all?!? Who might have had a vested interest for the last 15+ years and due to that interest and agreed upon extensive, unprecedented access, might have funded such covert, NSA/FBI/DHS circumventing, CIA intel operations like Angelfire/Keystone, specifically?!


Maybe a US stakeholding Rothschild, named Lynn? See how it all comes full circle y'all?!