I was a lawyer in the child welfare system. You aren't wrong. Not right on everything, but aren't wrong either.
I was a lawyer in the child welfare system. You aren't wrong. Not right on everything, but aren't wrong either.
The lawyers for each county know exactly where every kid in the system is. What we don't know is what goes on inside those group homes and mental facilities. We know they are put on drugs. We see the judges order the evals for the doctors and therapists who put the kids on the psych drugs. It's all a big ass scam from the judges to the lawyers to the therapists to all suck that government tit tax money. Needs massive overhaul.
But there are also people who are super shitty parents to kids and need their kids taken away. So with the good work I do, I also know there are bad actors in the same system.
Not in my county. That's bullshit. That kind of targeting never happens. Never happens. Plenty of white newborns hooked on meth to take away from trashy people, for the white families.
Maybe immigrant kids are targeted, but thats a different system entirely.
I've been on child trafficking task forces. It is a problem globally. They are moving Russian girls around throughout the country as sex slaves.
People need to look into foreign exchange student programs. Getting them here in high school. Some never go back.
Need good anons to dig into that shit.
Sometimes I can't even make sense of the gibberish people espouse here. I need to go on another filter wave. Can block all the crazy religious stuff as well so we can just stick to conspiracies we can find proof of.
its called FAFSA