Anonymous ID: 773ffa Aug. 14, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.2606087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6233

TY Baker!!


>>2605932 (lb)

Anon, Q has been VERY careful about this. Now, it's become apparent that we have all the Trump (pun intended) cards. Read carefully. Q's first mention of Israel/MOS:

>Notable this was in direct reference to Awan. Here's where the treason comes into play. Hang on; it's going to get good!


Next mention is here, anon:



He not only says them in the same sentence, he phrases them to be the SAME ORGANIZATION. MOS owns the fucking C_A (well, not any longer, but still there are operative out there carrying out shit).


And today:



Q is now naming (((them))). But it is VERY IMPORTANT to remember that there are those that are (((real))) and are good. There are those that are (((real))) and are BAD. There are those that are (((FAKE))) and don't realize what's going on (or that they have no claim), and there are those that are (((FAKE))) and VERY VERY BAD. It's that last group of bastards we are talking about here.


Think Roths.

Think MOS.

Think CIA.

Think Soros.

Think Hollywood types.

Think Dual citizenship Politicians.

Think Big bankers and CEO types.


Put those brain cells to work! Q's picture is crystal clear.


I wonder, Q, how many operations are left? We've got to be getting close!

Anonymous ID: 773ffa Aug. 14, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.2606512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6666

>>Q and the Pope, The Chair, The Master, and C_A/MOS, and Israel:

>>2595049 (lb)

Q was explicit about P = Chair = Pope.

In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI described the chair as "a symbol of the special mission of Peter and his Successors to tend Christ’s flock, keeping it united in faith and in charity."


So, the Chair is The Pope. The Chair (Pope) serves the Master. Master in this context is the head of the Rothschild family. Jacob. Why is this the case?

This Q quote tells us that the Roths QUITE LITERALLY own the church.

Screenshot attached – Q responded to this seemingly "antisemitic" cartoon with a rational statement by anon based on what Q provided. Why did he do that!?

Because they aren't REAL JEWS. Q would NEVER validate a racist statement; cartoon or otherwise.


The Roths are impersonator Jews. Q has told us OVER AND OVER again that they LITERALLY worship Satan. The head of the Church, serves the MASTER, and that person worships Satan. The Roths are not real Jews, but all those super duper racist Nazi types that gave us wonderful things like "the coincidence detector" were on to something with it. The problem is, they aren't REAL Jews.

>Does Satan exist?


>Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?


>Who worships Satan?

>What is a cult?

>Epstein island.



The current iteration of Israel's formation was a Roths creation learn that here (Balfour Declaration):


Now that you understand who the MASTER is, and that the Pope serves the MASTER, you need to understand why "Save the best for last" isn't talking about the Pope, but it's still talking about Israel.


Quoteth Q:


>We are saving Israel for last.

>Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


Question for you anons. Why do you think DJT has released all but the confirming documents supporting the theory that the CIA did JFK? Because as DJT has expressed, it would be a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY to release them. Why is that? What if you found out that the CIA is a cult ran by the MASTER? Q is already drawing a direct correlation to the two organizations:


>Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub). Q is telling us they are one in the same. Let me repeat that:

Q is telling us that the CIA and MOS are essentially the same organization


Who is Mossad?

>Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations, and counterterrorism. In contrast to the government and military, the goals, structure and powers of the Mossad are exempt from the Basic Laws of Israel. However, its activity is subject to secret procedures that have never been published. Its director answers directly to the Prime Minister.


So, basically, MOS can do whatever the fuck they want as long as Bibi says "Go for it". Now, let's take a look at this quote everyone seems to be analyzing lately:


>Mess with the best, die like the rest.

>[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

>[44] remaining.

>Wizards & Warlocks.

>Save the best for last.



Q is revealing to us literal numbers here. Not "2 operations, and then Obama". The 44 does not stand for Obama. It stands for LITERAL operations that CIA/MOS have set in place, and are currently trying to execute. SA could have been operation 1. NK, operation 2. If you follow that logic, then it suddenly makes sense how you could get 44 more of them. Iran, Pakistan, infiltration of Russia, the EU, The Banking Institutions, mass immigration/population replacement, Middle East scenarios like Hamas/Isis, Afghanistan, South Africa, etc. Q has told us that essentially every conflict is an operation. How many of those can we count? What is DJT's trade warring having to do with all this? Cutting out monetary fronts for laundering? How about human trafficking and drug cartels? The list goes on and on.


What about the Catholic Church; specifically the leadership of the church [P]? That, too, could be an operation that serves the MASTER. When the current Pope is shaken down, we've got ourselves a near-victory in the end game, because it means the Rothschild dynasty is last.


Dismantle the Roths, and what does that do to the Balfour Declaration?


Who else is enjoying this movie?