Anonymous ID: afcf8a Aug. 14, 2018, 8:52 p.m. No.2606200   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6361

Dig on Jem777 and fentanyl.


Fentanyl has been used for a long time by intelligence agencies to kill and make it look like natural causes.


Mossad is referenced in this email with using fentanyl to kill a target. This is interesting because Jen 777 was involved with George Webb. The email I linked goes into detail how they design targeted kills and the methods of action. I only cut an paste a small section. It’s actually great info to understand how the intelligence community murders people and hides it. Hope this helps.



The Israelis stole the patent from some Eurotrash company.




From: Anya Alfano []

Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 11:35 AM

To: Tactical

Cc: Fred Burton

Subject: Re: [TACTICAL] Dubai Hit

Do you have any more information about the fentanyl derivative? Do

we know what it was, exactly?


On 2/3/2010 12:33 PM, Fred Burton wrote:


I've been in touch w/Mayo and Dr. Wilson (not for pub and do not

forward) who worked on the Mossad bungled poisoning of the Hamas

terrorist Khalid Mishal. Can't go into how I know him, but lets

say he has no official comment about the instant event, but

encouraged me to look at fentanyl derivative in the Dubai

killing. It causes an mycardial infarction (heart attack to you

laymen.) In the Khalid hit, the bungled op (spray to the ear)

was gummed up. Perhaps the lads got it right this time? Nice

field test for the next dude marked for death. That list is long.


So, the Mossad did do it.


I would also surmise the GID source of information to the Mossad

is Palestinian intelligence, but again that did not come from me. β€œ