Been diving on Epstein Island / Esoteric Meanings…Not connected it all yet, but here are some interesting crumbs
>CARDINAL DIRECTIONS = potentially the Satanic Princes ( but Satan shit is most likely a “Front” for something else, like Masonry’s symbols are eventually meaningless )
>DOME OF THE ROCK = Islamic Mosque in Jerusalem that sits on the land of King Solomon’s Temple
>Some images attached are taken from INSIDE THE DOME OF THE ROCK…Notice same Stripe patterns of Esptein Island…also notice “ROCK” in center of Mosque…what are ROCKS USED FOR?….SACRIFICE
>Patterns on GROUND OUTSIDE ELEVATOR mirror the patterns taken from this Mosque in Syria…looks into Mosques in Syria, many have SIMILAR PATTERNS
>finally, a lot of this shit connects back to KING HEROD…KING HEROD was a NON-JEWISH RULER who RULED OVER THE JEWS IN JERUSALEM under the Authority of the ROMAN EMPIRE…when he heard a PROPHECY OF THE BIRTH OF A MESSIAH he ordered the death of Every Child Under Age 2
Will speculate about Herod, Rome, Christianity, Jerusalem in a bit but this is worth posting as is…