Anyone notice how different the Q drops have been lately? Significant errors being made? I.e madeleine mccann
Why are you so triggered over a parade?
That’s assuming the parade and arrest are tied together?
We do not want to put our most precious assets in harms way or a great opportunity to make them exposed to an attack. If you do not have everything cleaned up, you do not parade our military into a pile of shit!!!
It’s wearing on voters. Some have just tuned it out until there’s action. This is not a game but it’s being played like one!
Many question that. The Ohio primary should have been a slam dunk, it was a Republican seat! Voters are getting tired of the games. They will not wait much longer. The Republicans are trying to stretch this out to the mid-terms, it will back fire
That mistake was extremely negligent! I am about done over that one, that’s not an ops typo type of mistake!
You are correct