I'm sorry to say this, but to understand this infographic you'll have to expand your thinking. By assuming that Christ was ever a real physical person you have, in your mind, invalidated any proof of scripture I might offer you.
Please allow me pray about this and get back to you. But for now, please contemplate the following.
Our word Church is commonly believe to have been an English transliteration of the Greek word ecclesia, meaning gathering or assembly. Do you buy that? I don't. The English word Church is actually very old and comes from the Old English even before Christ. Do you notice the two letter c's? In Old English the c and the k were interchangeable and only about the 5th to 7th century did the differentiate the hard k sound from the soft c sound. Suffice it to say that the English word Church in old English was spelled either Kirke or Circe and was actually the name of a paga fertility goddess, daughter of Zeus. As the myth of Circe goes, she murdered her husband as was banished by Zeus to an island where she enslaved shipwrecked sailors. She formed a Circus that traveled the world entertaining the kings and rulers of the world. It turns out that the English words Circle and Circus are derived from that same Old English word Circe that also became Church. After all, didn't the temples of the Druids built in circles? Aren't circuses named by the number of their rings, i.e. three-ring circus? Suffice it to say that the woman (Circe) with the circus is the same woman that John of Patmos describes in the book of Revelation as the woman that rides the Beast. Therefore, any so-called Christian that worships God in a building called a "Church" is literally worshiping in the name of the woman that rides the beast. There are so many more proofs that I don't have time to go into here included the wine she used to drug the kings of the world symbolically representing the false doctrines of the Church (pagan goddess). More later...