Anonymous ID: e3f4cb Aug. 17, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.2649665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9696 >>9704 >>9705 >>9715 >>9744 >>9748 >>9776 >>9777 >>9785 >>9810 >>9817 >>9848 >>9887 >>9933 >>0123 >>0306

Let’s start matching faces with names in the Red Shoes Pictures


High Res Photos with names:


Podesta Group Fara:,200:P200_REG_NUMBER:5926


List of Attendees of the Tony Pedesta Bday Party (based on link above)

Kyle Samperton

Peter Kadzik

Amy Weiss

Heather Podesta

Tony Podesta

John Podesta

Andrew Kauders - Matched far left

Morris Grant

Tessa Grant

Michael Wolff

Polly Draper

Steve Cohen

Kathleen Sebilius

Sydney Harmon

Jane Harmon

Bart Gordon

Leslie Gordon

Shelley Berkley

Brian Moran

Susan Sterling

Christa Lanning

Pam Braden

David Isrealite - Possible match for guy on left, but no glasses


List of Cogent Employees (from website/team)

Kimberley Fritts

David S. Adams

John Ward Anderson

Peggy Einzel

Randall Gerard

Beth Inodami

Claudia James

Andrew Kauders

Kevin McLaughlin

Missi Tessier

Will Bohlen

Emily Flynn Pappas

Shellie Purvis

Sean Crotty

Ben Fishbein

Parisa Bruce

Molly Kiernan

Mary Lieb


List of Podesta Group Employees (not already listed)

Josh Lahey

Colin Hayes

Paul Brathwaite

Mark Tavlarides

David Adams

John Anderson

Cristina Antelo

Connor Schmidt

David Marin

Maria Barreiz

Katherine Beck

Kathleen Wohlford

Anonymous ID: e3f4cb Aug. 17, 2018, 5:23 p.m. No.2649817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9862





Far left black man, Paul Brathwaite

Next to him, Andrew Kauders

Middle gray suit, Ben Murray

Center, Tony Podesta

Far right, thought to be David Israelite (but no glasses, not confirmed)

Anonymous ID: e3f4cb Aug. 17, 2018, 5:32 p.m. No.2649933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9942 >>0003





Please take this photo and add names to confirmed


Far left black man, Paul Brathwaite

Next to him, Andrew Kauders

Middle gray suit, Ben Murray

Center, Tony Podesta

Next to Tony, POSSIBLY Will Bohlen