He was an occultist.
Probably crossed the line into the dark side.
His last video tells me, he did not repent or come to the Truth, The Way, and The Life that Christ had already finished the Great Work
>>2652128 Schlomo it's the Sabbath!
But you're probably eating a ham and cheese sammich while you post that shit too
where is this?
Did I strike a chord?
Sorry - demons get the results that entice the unbelievers. So they typically get enthralled with what they can deliver and then subsequently fall into idolatry quite fast. Plodding into spiritual areas that will purposefully lead them away from The Truth.
So no matter how Holy one walks in themselves they can quickly fall into guilt of the Law. Ones who intend to follow the path of the Lilith toward the lake of fire, will find she lied like a woman scorned.
So yeah, only one way. Crazy simple.
It starts and finishes with Jesus, because IT IS FINISHED! All other ways are shills.
is a seal of invocation or calling
It's true symbolic meaning was
As above
So below
A shorthand way of saying everything that happens here is first thought and constructed in heavens
Yeah I said it earlier today
I can't listen or read anything now without thinking ok what's he really saying
We shall see!
I wonder if this is Q team in UK?
Much from early days were lost.
When did we make move from /pol?
Anyone remember? I've slept since then.
Fucks sake this is coming up on a year!
I want my life back I've gained 15 pounds easy