If there has been 1 big bang in the universe, there have probably been trillions of them. Imagine if trillions of years ago some scientists figured out a way to shift into a parralel universe, they could then escape the big bang and start their civilization with around 4 billion years worth of knowledge, now do that a trillion times. God may be nothing but some dude living in his parents basement.
I don't understand the picture in reference to what I posted.
Unless you can go into space, how would you know?. The very same thing you are talking about is about as relevant as what they are telling us. So until you actually travel into space and conduct your own tests, STFU!
What is it with the paintings of people like tony Podesta and Obama. They have foliage in their paintings, like leaves and shit. Heres one of Gloria Vanderbilt same type of painting or picture https://www.google.com/search?q=gloria+vanderbilt&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8g4zv1vXcAhXGiVQKHTfEDqAQ_AUICigB&biw=1536&bih=866#imgrc=wChRkkZUKkP8rM: