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So, at the very least, the commander in charge is responsible for a manifest that did not secure the flight of Extortion 17. According to Brown, in the military, this is a crime and as such there should be a just punishment for the negligence.
How was this discovered? It was fallen Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn’s father, Billy Vaughn. He discovered the discrepancy as he poured over the 1,200 page Colt Report on the downing of Extortion 17 and wrote about it in his book Betrayed: Exposing the High Cost of the War on Terror.
When he made mention of it during a visit by Admiral William H. McRaven to his home in January of 2013, Vaughn commented to him, “This must not be a big deal.” However, McRaven’s aide, a sergeant major, told him, “Mr. Vaugn, it’s a very big deal. Because it was passed over. It’s a very big deal. That should never happen.”
Furthermore, he added, “In fact, we had to notify the men we thought were on the chopper. We had to notify them and tell them their sons were okay.”