Anonymous ID: 0e13d3 Aug. 22, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.2701298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1502 >>1532 >>1570 >>1691 >>1716 >>1951



So let me see if I’m reading the tea leaves from the latest DJT twats correctly. If all warfare is deception, and based on what we know, then:


  1. Trump blasts Cohen as a turncoat and a fraud. Because he is demonized, this will rally the MSM to support Cohen’s story even more. Translation: there’s nothing to worry about there. The guilty pleas were to non-crimes and Trump is not exposed to potential criminal liability at all. MSM cats chasing the laser pointer on the wall—AGAIN.

  2. Manafort is lionized by Trump and defended as a decent man. BUT: waaaaay back on Oct. 31, 2017, in Q drop 15, we were told that Manafort is a plant. Hmmm. Translation: when all this comes to light—that Brennan or Comey or whoever placed the sinister Manafort into the Trump campaign, then Trump can doubly claim that he’s just a vicim of the nefarious deep state. He was duped like the rest of us, but was smart enough to jettison him quickly.


Let’s hope the BOOM BOOMs start soon. I am looking forward to it. Now would be a good time, when Trump is strong but “appears weak.”

