This is so right on. However, we need to know who is who. As a child I visited Central America a number of times in the 1970s. It seems to me that there were a number of communist Americans in El Salvador when we were there. I think they were blacklisted during the McCarthy era. One was related to an actor in Sesame Street if I recall correctly. I am a Christian American and strongly pro-life and pro-freedom. Over the years I've evolved in my understanding of business and capitalism. Small businesses and family farms are the life blood of a good economy and a stable prosperous middle class. Communists as well as global corporations reduce human beings to servile enslavement. I think that both US corporations as well as the communists and socialists want a weak, servile population that is easy to control via their addictions and perversions. I think Central America has been victim of both. The founders of America were wise not to establish an official religion, however, I do not think liberty is possible without the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When most Americans share a godly world view we interact with others according to a higher standard. A big problem comes in when we try to influence the world by the understanding of men (or demons). Corporations and political ideologies such as communism universally fail to sustain human life because they are divorced from the knowledge and love of our Creator. To stop our government from destroying nations and people around the world we must recognize that our role is to support people seeking and finding the truth not enslaving them to drug mafias whether you call them "Mexican cartels" or "Merck".
Blah, blah,blahblah, blah. Trump is like a card player. So he unloaded on Sessions. "Disinformation is real". What did you expect from the first two years of a President who is not recognized as President by MOST of the career deep state? Whether or not Trump liked Sessions or not, he's probably done what he was supposed to.
We take them off ourselves, anon.
You are so right about this. Both colleges and major corporations favor people with the "correct" leftist ideology. They monitor your social media posts and will reject you if they don't like your opinions.