Anonymous ID: 2a3660 Aug. 28, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.2774727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4740 >>4775


Here's a link to Garrison's great McCursed cartoon for which Ben Garrison had his site pulled.

No one forget the other great "Garrison" /New Orleans Prosecutor, who did a half an hour on Network news [back when they had fair use - requirement for opposition replies] explaining the problems with the JFK murder scenario as presented.

And who likely died an early death for his work on the JFK murder

Garrison's cartoon on Imgur

>>2772585 (pb)

Neither of you were alone. Glad to find you here.

>>2772725 (pb)

Still has the fucking smirk

I wonder if he will die with a smirk?

I guess we'll have a contest who hated him first.

10 years ago "Obama"-haters were thin on the ground. Especially the Liberal ground.

I don't hesitate to use the word Hate.

A very few knew he was a fraud with a capital "F" because though you could see it if you analyzed his speeches, nobody would do that.

"Obama" would contradict himself in his public speeches and we knew his cabinet was picked out by the same people who picked out the cabinet of W. Bush.

The Bush years were very stressful but it didn't end with "Obama"

I notice the NLP when he spoke at his Inauguration and I was disgusted with all the stupid Obama-lovers.

I didn't realized what I noticed was actually NLP until much later. I never ever listened to him speak all those years.

I knew about the plane crash and the 9/11 widow and that was when I realized for sure he was "in-on" 9/11. I might have had some small wishful thinking on the subject before that.