Anonymous ID: 467e70 Aug. 28, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.2775003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5106 >>5122 >>5163 >>5185

Anon's take a moment for yourselves.


Turn off the fan, the air-con, the heater, the radio, the TV.


IF you listen quietly, you can hear the sound of Q team, BO and BV's making coffee, the hot water flowing into their Q-cups and the sound of t-spoons hitting the porcelain, stirring in the sugar or milk. You can hear the the sipping of expresso's and the hissing sound of Coca Cola being opened. You can feel their tiredness being overcome with patriotism, their excitement and trepidation at all of today's Q drops.


You can hear the memer's playing with photoshop, giggling at their creations.


You can hear the shills mulling over their responses, deciding what to post next.


You can hear the enemies printers printing the posts and making counter plans, struggling under the weight of their guilt.


You can smell the FEAR of those that know what is coming and understand that justice will be delivered!


History is being made, and you are part of it.








