Anonymous ID: c70836 Sept. 1, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.2840056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0063


Ok helperanon, I posted the Satanic calendar last bread to highlight upcoming Satanic holidays, at least 3 in September. They are gross what they are for, is there a connection here? Is this what their rituals are about, connected to these holidays that use children?

Anonymous ID: c70836 Sept. 1, 2018, 6:29 p.m. No.2840220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0290 >>0317 >>0562



I am not a shill I am dead serious.


After seeing the absolute enormous display of NoName's funeral,


the pics from the cabal of them wearing goatheads,


Marina Abramovich's cryptic evil art and weird stuff she does at her institute,


all sorts of references to rabbits and animals sacrifice and child sacrifice, adrenochrome, cannibalism and symbolism,


The weird coded language that you anons have opened my eyes to,


Their extreme secretive clubs and societys,


the frenzy of allowing undocumented families into our country with mostly traffickers and coyotes (I assume so they can get their hands on those poor children),


Q's references to satan worship and that it goes back thousands of years,


If they worship these holidays, I am simply focused on September as being a huge month of Satanic activity.


These elite high level individuals make themselves out to be special and completely separate from the rest of us.


Q has told us time and time again that they see us as sheep, resources, workers, food supply, sacrifice victims etc.


They really think that we do not notice that there are laws for them and then their are laws for us.


So once again my question is do they observer these Satanic holidays?

Anonymous ID: c70836 Sept. 1, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.2840374   🗄️.is 🔗kun


thank you anon for answering my questions. There are three holidays Sept. 7, 21 and 22 or 23. Yesterday I started some research cause this whole noname extravaganza gave me such bad energy and a doom like feeling.


Its all no so shocking anymore after seeing what has been shown to me here and by other researchers.


I pray everyday for truth to be exposed and the evil is exterminated.


I be vigilant and ready.


Thank you.

Anonymous ID: c70836 Sept. 1, 2018, 6:50 p.m. No.2840503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0533 >>0541 >>0583 >>0633 >>0640



I know this anon, and I love POTUS for enduring this horror show. I am sensitive to changes in atmosphere and energy. I am not by any means into any sort of new age or pagan religion. I am a devout Christian who worships Christ and the Almighty God.


My biggest concern came yesterday, the energy in the world has changed, there is alot at stake, I can feel it. My son who is disabled has developed some sort of neurological condition in the last week, he zones out like he has epiliepsy and exhibits strange tics like constantly clearing is throat and unconsciously thrusts his arms out for no reason. Stares into space for a minute or two and cannot hear me right away.


So all of these changes have affected me and him, my extreme uneasiness has lead to headaches, unexplained anxiety and upset stomach.


I am not a person who is superstitious by nature but after all of this knowledge I have acquired here and elsewhere, I am not too quick to dismiss these inner feeling and my sons sudden development of a medical issue.


I will pray for me and my son and all of us in pursuit of truth but I am fully aware of the evil in this world.


September just seems ominous and there are three Satanic holidays this month, Sept. 7, 21 and 23rd.


Stay safe and thank you for the reminder of Q's post.

Anonymous ID: c70836 Sept. 1, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.2840558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No anon, here is a screenshot of their holidays from this time of year (Aug/Sept./Oct).

