Anonymous ID: 303d52 Beto vs Cruz poll Oct. 7, 2018, 11:51 a.m. No.3382813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BONUS: Poll has Cruz seen as more honest than Beto the Beta.


In new @CBSNews poll, @tedcruz viewed as more honest and trustworthy and more relatable than @BetoORourke … #txsen #tx2018

Anonymous ID: 303d52 Nov. 7, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.3789652   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no vote is ever wasted. But you have a point.


here is my point:

1- like yourself we had record numbers registering and never voters voting.

2- we had the #walkaway movement

3-more latinos and black for "republican" (now I don't believe this shift has really happened. For latios yes, blacks not so much. I base this on the Waters Navarro vote in Cali)

4- the rally "poll". Trump was packing them in, Gillum, Obama, Biden, even Oprah could not pack them in. Dems had no enthusiasm.


What happened? What exactly the fuck happend? We weere promised that the midterms were protected. Yet there appears to be fraud. How is it in such a polarize political climate we have people electing republican governors with overwhelming votes to democrat senators. Or a republican senator with a democrat congress member. Especially when I read so much about voting straight ticket.


Inthis I only beleuve certain races were protected anly to get the Senate, eery thing else was allowed to "let the fraud happen". We still had illegals voting. The only way Cruz managed to beat the dem machine, is Abbot and Paxton clamped down on fraud very early. But our voter registration requires no proof of citizenship in TX.


And as dsiapoint it all is, maybe the plan was to give the dems the house for a reason.


I too was expecting a red wave and "to watch California". I did watch California and it was a re-run. 2018 is supposed to be glorious, we got less than 2months to go.


Nothing is going to happen on 11-11 because thats celebration day in France.