Anonymous ID: 42ff8a Sept. 15, 2018, 6:01 p.m. No.3039113   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Notable Panic Statement #1:

>"let’s dispense with the tired claim that the Obama administration did not really spy on Trump and his campaign."


>Notable Panic Statement #2:

>"If the public becomes convinced that national-security powers, such as those in FISA, are being employed to monitor Americans when there is insufficient evidence to justify a criminal investigation, there will be demands to strip these powers. And >those of us who have insisted through the years that, with responsible supervision by the top tiers of the Justice Department and the Bureau, the government can be trusted not to abuse these powers, will have nothing to say."


>There you go. "Please don't strip our powers." They need their tool of abuse.


Trust not the .gov to do anything in it's peoples favour. How the fuck did we get to this point? Apathy? Collusion? No more!