Anonymous ID: 451d40 Sept. 15, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.3039362   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is correct, but the Obama regime routinely used classification to hide its crimes and to prosecute whistleblowers. The Obama regime prosecuted whistleblowers more than all previous administrations put together. But he made nice speeches about transparency, so it's all good.


The entire CI community is corrupt and has been compromised, not just the DOJ/FBI. Within the military intelligence community, entry to and access to graduate level coursework in CI is jealously guarded and denied to those not deemed sufficiently politically aligned, even if that skill is needed for their work. CI is within the IC a highly partisan community. Highly HIGHLY partisan. Anyone who thinks that the FBI corruption is firewalled within that agency is a fool. And I don't see any real will to see reality for what it is. Many, many people need to lose their jobs and their clearances for ever, and many more need to go to jail. We can not rebuild until that happens.