Anonymous ID: dcbf5a Sept. 15, 2018, 5:50 p.m. No.3038992   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>could you do anons a solid and call out some comp posts so normie can better understand tactics?

you must learn to see the patterns, the subjects change.

see who gathers tons of replies, filling up space, and ask yourself if you'd miss anything if you just FilterID+ say, this dude reposting the same bad memes, getting into a pointless argument with another ID, and/or many, back and forth, back and forth.

ebot and his fans? fuckit.

AFLB and his detractors? fuckit.

This anon complaining about what that anon is posting and back and forth, meanwhile ignoring Q crumbs and news? fuckit.


at some point you just have to jump in, and see how comfy you can get.

know how to remove the filter if you found you went too far (options), but lately, i've been firing up the filter a lot and not miss actual digs and conversations going on. Once in a while a reply to a reply, but not much more. Anyway, it all starts anew each bread, so you're never far from confirming that your life is better spent without the mechanical ramblings of bot-obsessed anonโ€ฆ


best of luck, godspeed