I'm picking up what you're putting down
Troll farms have programs that monitor and conglomerate all platforms from reddit, voat, the chans and even youtube comments
they dont necessarily see which board they're posting/shilling on
They only see the comments
That's all they care about honestly
So it could be a real person committing or a bot
Bots are most often used to troll the board by throwing out some stupid shit or accusation
Then once they get a hit a real shill will likely jump on and continue
Sometimes one shill will have dozens of lines out
And sometimes it's just a sad pathetic lonely liberal loser going to Georgetown or American who told themselves they were going to make a difference in politics but then quickly found out that for dems to do anything in politics it's either shill or suck dick by the dumpsters behind that fancy restaurant you worked at for a few months
You reading this shills?