Anonymous ID: d146ab Sept. 16, 2018, 6:43 p.m. No.3052139   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Republicans in our Congress better grow a damn SPINE quickly… if they delay Kavanaugh's confirmation then it will be time to unite & hit the streets ourselves!!


Enough is ENOUGH of these Deep State threats that are trying to hyjack OUR DEMOCRACY & our Country!


These same corrupt Democrats pulled out the "sexual harassment" card on Trump RIGHT BEFORE ELECTION, did it to Roy Moore RIGHT BEFORE ELECTIONS, they smeared the hell out of Dr. Ronny Jackson so he couldn't even get to a confirmation hearing, & now these CORRUPT, EVIL DEMS are viciously going after a damn good man, Judge Kavanaugh (who they all supported before his nomination), RIGHT BEFORE his confirmation! They are so desperate that they will do ANYTHING…& Americans should finally stand up & speak out & CALL THEM OUT on their bullshit!


I call BULLSHIT on the Sexual allegations with Kavanaugh when he was in HIGHSCHOOL! The friend that this LIBERAL accuser said "had to get Kavanaugh" off of her DENIES her claim!! IT is time to fight back!


Load up the Memes CANNONS & MEME MOABS that will expose these evils fks!

No MORE indulging their LIES & evil corruption!!!!


WE truly are at a point in our country that if we loose the midterms by voter fraud & these Dems try to impeach 45, only because they are trying to cover up THEIR CORRUPTION, then Civil War will truly begin.


Patriotic, AWAKE Americans have had enough of the BULLSHIT & can truly see the evil in the Democrat party & the RINOS (FKNG FLAKE & Slimey Collins) in the R party!