Anonymous ID: c75b4f Sept. 18, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.3076663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6735





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Anonymous ID: c75b4f Sept. 18, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.3076685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Republican state senator sentenced to 15 years for child sex trafficking


Former Republican Oklahoma state Sen. Ralph Shortley was sentenced to 15 years in prison Monday on child sex trafficking charges after police found him in a motel room with a 17-year-old boy in March 2017. He’ll be on probation for another decade after he gets out of prison.


Shortley, 36, resigned from the state Senate after two terms just weeks after police found him in the local Super 8 motel with the teenager, and his wife divorced him earlier this year. He faced life in prison and a fine of up to $250,000, according to KJRH Tulsa.


“In a difficult case like this, where he was looking at life in prison, and the government wanted between 25 and 30 years, we were hoping the judge would show some leniency, and he did,” Ed Blau, Shortley’s attorney said at a press conference after the ruling on Monday. “This is a tragic case all the way around.”


According to the victim's statements to the FBI, Shortley and the teenage boy smoked marijuana, got undressed, and had just started fooling around when officers knocked on the door.


According to an affidavit obtained by the Washington Post in November, the teenage boy had told Shortley that he needed money for spring break.


“I don’t really have any legitimate things I need help with right now,” Shortley wrote, the affidavit said. “Would you be interested in sex stuff.”


“Yes,” the teen responded.


While the age of consent in Oklahoma is 16, Shortley offering to pay the teenager for “sexual stuff” took the crime to a new level. And the crime became a federal issue after he transported a minor for prostitution when the two met in a motel in a neighboring town, News OK reported.


The FBI found that Shortley had used fake names for years in online posts to receive child pornography and seek sexual encounters with boys.


“The younger the better,” he wrote on Craigslist, according to News OK, adding, “Discretion is a must.”


Shortley pleaded guilty in November in exchange for prosecutors dropping all child pornography charges.


“After looking at all the evidence and case law and statutes and everything else, we just felt that [pleading guilty to a child sex trafficking charge] would give him the best opportunity to come out with the best outcome possible,” Blau told The Washington Post in November. “It would’ve been an extraordinarily difficult case to win a trial.”

Anonymous ID: c75b4f Sept. 18, 2018, 2:20 p.m. No.3076930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6947 >>7013

President of Ukraine signs decision to break treaty of friendship with Russia


The President of Ukraine, Pyotr Poroshenko, executed the decision proposed by the National Council for Security and Defense of Ukraine (NSDC) on the termination of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and Russia.


“President Pyotr Poroshenko signed a decree on the ‘Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on September 6, 2018’ on the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, the proposals of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the termination of the treaty of friendship, cooperation and partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation signed on May 31, 1997 were accepted,” said the communicated.


According to the press service, Russia will be informed by September 30 about this decision by the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine. For his part, Poroshenko will present the bill to parliament.


Previously, Poroshenko stated that Ukraine was legally prepared and protected for the breach of the treaty. Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin said his department had prepared the package of necessary documents and will submit it to the country’s authorities soon.


Later, the first deputy chairman of the Supreme Rada (Ukrainian Parliament), Irina Geraschenko, noted that Poroshenko instructed the Foreign Ministry not to denounce the treaty of friendship with Russia, but simply not prepare documents for its extension. According to her, “it is only her non-prolongation.”


In addition, it was informed that, according to the NSDC’s decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should inform the UN, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and other international organizations about Ukraine’s intention to break the treaty of friendship with the Russia.


At the same time, the Ukrainian president explained that Kiev aims to suspend clauses involving military, technical and strategic partnership, however, clauses of sovereignty and territorial integrity remain in force.


The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Russia and Ukraine was signed in 1997. It is a key document in Russian-Ukrainian relations aimed at strategic partnership between countries.

Anonymous ID: c75b4f Sept. 18, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.3076960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dems make new demands on Kavanaugh hearing, as Republicans cry foul


Democratic senators on Tuesday escalated their demands regarding a hearing to examine the sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh – suggesting Monday's scheduled public session with the Supreme Court nominee and his accuser is not enough, calling for more witnesses and more time for the FBI to dig into the allegations.


Much remains up in the air, with the allegation threatening to sideline the nomination days before Kavanaugh was slated for a floor vote.


Right now, the FBI apparently is not investigating further despite Democratic demands. And it's not clear the hearing announced by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is even going forward. He scheduled a hearing for Monday, but said accuser Christine Blasey Ford has not responded to the invitation and threatened to nix the session if she doesn't.


Grassley on Tuesday also officially canceled the Thursday meeting that would have included a vote on whether to recommend Kavanaugh's nomination to the full Senate.


Ford alleges that in high school, Kavanaugh pinned her down, tried to remove her bathing suit and put his hand over her mouth when she attempted to scream. Kavanaugh denies it.


But as Republicans try to navigate the 11th-hour bombshell, they're accusing Democrats of playing politics, by first sitting on the allegations and now making new demands regarding a hearing.



Anonymous ID: c75b4f Sept. 18, 2018, 2:24 p.m. No.3076987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6997

LA Times Beijing bureau chief quits after sex investigation



LOS ANGELES – The head of the Los Angeles Times' Beijing bureau has resigned four months after the newspaper suspended him following sexual harassment complaints from two women.


Los Angeles Times spokeswoman Hillary Manning confirmed Tuesday that Jonathan Kaiman has left the newspaper.


Kaiman was suspended last May after the Times launched an investigation into the allegations made by a former Wall Street Journal editor and a former roommate of Kaiman's.


Manning says that investigation has been completed, but she added that she could not elaborate.


Kaiman did not immediately respond to an email from The Associated Press.


He previously told the AP his actions, including having sex with Felicia Sonmez of The Wall Street Journal, were consensual.


He apologized to his former roommate after she accused him of pressuring her to have sex.