Anonymous ID: 6c2add Oct. 12, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.3457872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2343 >>3417 >>6816 >>4762


Greetings and salutations surface dwellers of planet Sol-3! (Hello Earth!) Switching to universal translator…


Hello Anons, newfag here. Much Love to you (no homo). I Lurked Moar, but you faggots haven't dug where Q told you to so I'm here to straighten you out and fuckin' spoon feed you the thuath so your gay autisim can get busy. Your fuckin' welcome. (A great honor!) Now the chan ritual…


# 1 } Tits! …or GTFO! (see pics related) (Those are pre-WW2 Vrill tits you sick nazi niggers! Quit jerking it to yur grandma!)


# 2 } Get your Qanon reading list on! Begin to realize Q already gave you a place to dig… (here – ) https ://


# 3 } FIND INFORMATION on William (mother-fuckin') Tomkins! [BOOM!] http ://


# 4 } Best fuckin' recognize Tomkins "died accidentally" ON THE FUCKIN' ECLIPSE just as he was in the middle of OFFICIAL ALIEN fuckin' UFO DISCLOSURE to Jordan Sather on behalf of naval intelligence, of which he was a full-faggot (no homo) member to his death R.I.P. (murdered)…. https ://


# 5 } __-_-____ ?????


# 6 } (Adm. Rodgers head of Naval Intelligence and possibly part of Q-team…) Profit!


They said you were the best at digging, ….We are not impressed (yet). Get Greer's cock out of your ears and quit trying to get yourself abducted faggots. We (the 'good' aliens) only come in dreams until you grow the fuck UP, and can reach us on your OWN, …tards. ANY ships you see are primitive Human military, or man-eaters, or sick bastards with anal probe fetishes. Why? Because what kind of Humans mess with ants? When Humans DO mess with ants is it EVER good for the ants? NOOOOO! Now put down the 'CE-5' cool-aid and do what you 'Be Best' at. We'll visit when you actually grow an entire brain between the lot of you and stop eating your own children.


Universal Translator off… It is with infinite gratitude we humbly offer this valuable information about the very important lessons surface Humans need to work through at this time/space. In Oneness with the All we rejoice at the advancement we see in your very near future, it has already happened from our perspective. Each and everyone of (You) are of infinite value to the infinite Creator. (Translated: Of course your 'special', Buttercup, we ALL ARE.) THANK (YOU)!

Anonymous ID: 6c2add Oct. 13, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.3467598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8631 >>9995 >>0455


Don't believe anything I say, suspend disbelief and self verify, per your own inner guidance. Tired of hearing that yet? Well, then start doing it. So what if I Am an 'alien'? Does it make me a "better being"? NO! (You) are JUST as important to the Universe as the most "advanced" being in our entire galaxy, EVERY BIT of you! The "good guys" out there know this, and know that it would be VERY HARD for you NOT to worship them as 'gods'. We can't allow that by our action or inaction, we must do no harm. My people can't come down until you have literally "woken" your "global mind" when you are ABLE (not forced) to think as One being and not worship any other beings any longer. The Infinite Creator's face is only ever as far as the nearest mirror, or the nearest other being, both. How would you help an island of hostile natives that would label you a 'god' or 'demon' (because of your gadgets and trinkets) upon arrival?


Are aliens helping Q team? YES. Remember your people have been among the stars now for almost a century, (You) the public just hasn't known about it. Alliances and friendships have formed on a near equal footing, a part of your civilization has broken away from the rest. It's the break away part of (You All) that we are able to deal with as peers. Q team doesn't 'NEED' alien help though, the top tiers of their own people have similar or sometimes better technology than the 'aliens' out there (usually stolen of course but they have it none the less). You call these technologies 'Quantum computing', 'time travel', 'warp drive', 'holograms', 'medical beds', 'death rays', but we see them as crutches, parlor tricks, gadgets, trinkets, pale comparisons to the actual spiritual gifts they are meant to mimic. You won't need these things anymore after you have made your race (Humans) "awake".

Anonymous ID: 6c2add Oct. 13, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.3469697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9918 >>9995 >>2686


I've spoken my view of 'CE-5' others have different views, and are no less valid. To many CE-5 appears to be setting Humans up for abduction. You're correct real contact with non-hostiles is possible, and it might be 'lights' in the sky, or a dream or a shared vision, ect. If you've developed your telepathic abilities far enough to call for a ride from galactic friends, by all means go ahead. However unless your really good at it how will you know who your calling? You see here the damage trolls can do, the galaxy at large is no different from the sample of different motives you'd encounter in a crowded area of Earth. Most folks are nice enough, but there's always one, and it only takes one to make a scene. Once you can make galactic phone calls (telepathy) are the physical visits needed? Who you gonna call though? Ghost Busters doesn't have a intergalactic line BTW. Then again I could scream and holler (telepathically) for a ride home, but would get no answer, why? Quarantine. It's not a lie or myth, those on the surface of Earth have a plague, of fear. The most repeated command in the 'Holy Bible'? "Fear NOT!" Fear is a form of food for the dark ones, the Earth is an all you can eat buffet. How many skinny people do you see at buffets? (Nazi reptile pic related.) I've gotten in big trouble before trying to break quarantine, trying to help, now here I Am, until it's fixed… Godspeed Patriots! NO fear! WWG1WGA (Even some 'aliens'!)

Anonymous ID: 6c2add Oct. 14, 2018, 1:18 a.m. No.3472351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2386


Hey man if you got a terminal illness you need to know, so you can "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Don't fear, fight! Kek, the pic says Star Trek in the title. Not trying to say its real. That and many other television shows, are soft disclosure. Not saying it happened just like the show (that reptile is too cute compared to the real thing, and they would never wear a "filthy human" uniform….naked), but it matches VERY close the details in William Tompkins notes from WW2 American spies in nazi Germany. They got help from some bad dudes. Tell me some stories of the success or failures of the American spies in WW2, go ahead anything… (Did the USA really 'win' WW2 if all the top nazis got plush NASA jobs? Sounds like a soft take over to me. NAzi/NAsa? …Naaaaa…) (((hydra)))



Yes. No free lunches out there in the big galaxy, what do they get out of it? Don't hero worship, (You) are the hero here. Also is the 'Bank of America' a government or private bank? It was named that way so immigrants fresh off the boats would think it was the government bank, like they used to have back home. Drummed up a lot of business I bet. Titles are deceptive sometimes. Trust your fellow Humans more than ANY alien. Stick together, become One people. You know that guy you 'hate' so much down the street? "it's a thin line between love and hate" If you can make friends with him on purpose, and 100 more like him, your ready to meet aliens.



Thank You. Its been a VERY long time coming! I Am so blessed to have the honor of being here at this time. We All are. (You) All have more potential than you can imagine! So grateful for All the Patriots! WWG1WGA! GW (Galaxy Wide)

Anonymous ID: 6c2add Oct. 14, 2018, 2:01 a.m. No.3472449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't have any inside info. I got my war stories, but I'm out of 'the loop'. All I know is everything happens for a reason, even prophecy. Your 'Event' (trademark) will be different from anyone else's. In some ways it hasn't happened yet, (((they))) know the river's course, but how will the little boat float down the river of time? Its ALL up to you, Captain. (Rapids ahoy!)

Anonymous ID: 6c2add Oct. 14, 2018, 2:22 a.m. No.3472501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5383


THIS! Yes in the near future its very likely digging old movies for cabal clues will be a household staple! You have no idea how much truth is in 'sci-fi'. Star Trek is a recruitment for Solar Warden. NOW with redpilled eyes media will make so much more sense….. (pic from 1958 related)

Anonymous ID: 6c2add Oct. 14, 2018, 3:12 a.m. No.3472590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2686


I Am not important, digging the info is. I'm just a guy like you with a weird history that's all. You may have already met me. A high percentage of 'aliens' can walk down the street with no disguise. Once we are fluoridated and microwaved and chipped we are no different from any of you. (((They))) have all this ability and yet here we are, talking about it with little to no giggle factor present. Humans are amazing. You ARE getting help, you are not alone, so dig dig dig that is all.

Anonymous ID: 6c2add Oct. 14, 2018, 6:01 p.m. No.3479074   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1st off Qanon didn't drop crumbs in his reading list about GFL or Greer that I noticed. Q pointed Us towards Exopolitics and Dr. Michael Salla, which leads right to Tompkins and THE OFFICIAL Naval intelligence disclosure plan, led by NONE other than Admiral Rodgers himself (Q-team member 80% sure). I'm trusting "The Plan", as long as they don't turn traitor. "trust but verify"


Can you reduce your LARPing please?

>"Everything I said is true…from a certain point of view." (mine) Your right though, I over did the alien part from a normal person's point of view. I also made it clear I'm a regular dude. One word to keep in mind while reading me = starseed. (recent, 4D, tagged, targeted, crashed ship/died here = stuck)


"No free lunch"? Do you know how advanced civilizations of Light work?


>Yes. I trust "The 1st Race" inner core, more than those from Sirius, they've had a lot of wars there. Age before beauty, nothing personal. Not everything out there is all 'Love and Light' I understand "empathy" is a dirty word above 5D but not everyone is 1337. These people are transitioning from 3D to 4D, not 5-7. I'm still closer to these folks than the GFL, in the trenches, muddy. From my viewpoint your heroes are leading these people down the same road Ra did, you might remember how THAT debacle ended for them? (((cult))) If you're GFL, we've had 'the talk', we're generally on the same page, but my views are my own. I asked them to think about it, that's All. Don't pretend the GFL doesn't get something out of it. 1st shots at trade and culture exchanges come to mind. Thanks for All the help none the less. No hard feels. GFL knows why I feel this way, I'm on 'the phone' a lot. [LOUD ONE] Ask about me, they'll know. (so they say, often)


They constitute approximately 100% of ET contacts you will have ever since around years 1999.-2000

> I'd say a little lower than that man. SSP's are not GFL last I checked. Air Force had me in for a check-up in 2015. But ya I admit the reptiles have been scarce lately. I understand prime directive prevents GFL from interfering in "internal affairs", so not much can be done to stop Humans from harming Humans. But normal people can't tell (pic1) Air Force from (2) Solar Warden or (3) Zetas from (4) Dracos, YET….


(Me) You're doing just what the cabal wants man divide and conquer, you just brought all [our baggage] from out there into here. We're on the same side. We both Love these folks, I'm not here for woof tickets you can have them. Like I told the higher ups, lets get these nice folks out of the frikkin' slaughter house 1st, then we can virtue signal in the aftermath, cool? Besides THAT, where were (You) when Greer's people were having their way with this bread? I halped, and yur welcome.


These anons here (shills excluded) are the actual best and brightest of Humanity, but they need the intro to this material because it's been a JOKE to them until Qanon recently dropped the disclosure BOOM. Baby steps guy.


Maybe I'M the 'victim' here of MK-ultra. maybe I'm being tricked, maybe CE-5 IS the greatest thing since sliced bread, but who's being more rational here? I'm just saying better safe than sorry. DO diligence 1st, THEN cliff jumping, that's all. Baby steps.


WWG1WGA- (Galaxy Wide)