Greetings and salutations surface dwellers of planet Sol-3! (Hello Earth!) Switching to universal translator…
Hello Anons, newfag here. Much Love to you (no homo). I Lurked Moar, but you faggots haven't dug where Q told you to so I'm here to straighten you out and fuckin' spoon feed you the thuath so your gay autisim can get busy. Your fuckin' welcome. (A great honor!) Now the chan ritual…
# 1 } Tits! …or GTFO! (see pics related) (Those are pre-WW2 Vrill tits you sick nazi niggers! Quit jerking it to yur grandma!)
# 2 } Get your Qanon reading list on! Begin to realize Q already gave you a place to dig… (here – ) https ://
# 3 } FIND INFORMATION on William (mother-fuckin') Tomkins! [BOOM!] http ://
# 4 } Best fuckin' recognize Tomkins "died accidentally" ON THE FUCKIN' ECLIPSE just as he was in the middle of OFFICIAL ALIEN fuckin' UFO DISCLOSURE to Jordan Sather on behalf of naval intelligence, of which he was a full-faggot (no homo) member to his death R.I.P. (murdered)…. https ://
# 5 } __-_-____ ?????
# 6 } (Adm. Rodgers head of Naval Intelligence and possibly part of Q-team…) Profit!
They said you were the best at digging, ….We are not impressed (yet). Get Greer's cock out of your ears and quit trying to get yourself abducted faggots. We (the 'good' aliens) only come in dreams until you grow the fuck UP, and can reach us on your OWN, …tards. ANY ships you see are primitive Human military, or man-eaters, or sick bastards with anal probe fetishes. Why? Because what kind of Humans mess with ants? When Humans DO mess with ants is it EVER good for the ants? NOOOOO! Now put down the 'CE-5' cool-aid and do what you 'Be Best' at. We'll visit when you actually grow an entire brain between the lot of you and stop eating your own children.
Universal Translator off… It is with infinite gratitude we humbly offer this valuable information about the very important lessons surface Humans need to work through at this time/space. In Oneness with the All we rejoice at the advancement we see in your very near future, it has already happened from our perspective. Each and everyone of (You) are of infinite value to the infinite Creator. (Translated: Of course your 'special', Buttercup, we ALL ARE.) THANK (YOU)!