I think your concern makes sense though I am optimistic based on my intuition and a lot of indicators of progress toward trurh, justice and freedom. The Bolshevik revolution started in October of 1917 (10/17). The "Q" drops also started in 10/17 but I'm a different century. I personally have had a lot of significant events associated with 10/17 and when I thought myself alienated from God the number filled me with dread. However, when I perceived His love again my dread of it went away. I personally think of 10/17 (J/Q) as a reference to the "Jesus question" : Where do you stand in relationship to God? If you are on the side of God (free to approach Him through His Son) you are okay, if not you have reason to fear. My connection to God seemed gone for a while but when I woke up it seemed to me that He was telling me that He woke me for love.
I'm not really savvy either, but I think I've benefited from NOT using a hashtag on some of my posts. I use a less popular social media platform and for a while they wanted to force the use of hashtags which I resisted. I didn't like it at all and eventually the platform made it optional. What I've discovered is that it seems to limit the reach of my posts but conversely they are not detected by those who would try to shut me up. I like to say "be a node not a hub". They can suppress an individual or two but not everyone. Hope I didn't mix unrelated concepts.