The deal was necessary to tie up loose ends in our ramp up to full confrontation with China, but it's
actually not that different from what we had. They're still taking advantage of us and ripping us off on trade.
The deal was necessary to tie up loose ends in our ramp up to full confrontation with China, but it's
actually not that different from what we had. They're still taking advantage of us and ripping us off on trade.
You understand that the books of the bible were written
by men and was commissioned by a pagan man?
The idea and worship of Satan existed for
millennia before Jesus was ever written about.
God breathed - circular logic. Any religion can
claim such divinity and they do.
I have no leaders.
Messianic figures were written about in various religions. Just because we've lived under Judeo-
Christian dominance for a few millennia doesn't make it the true religion. Humanity spans much longer.
I may have accepted Jesus as my savior when I was a kid. It's hard to remember whether it was genuine.
Today, while I believe there is a lot of divinity in Christianity, I don't accept it wholesale, due to logic.
Just cause there may be powers greater than ourselves,
doesn't make literal translation of the bible, factual.
The notion that the truth is hidden, like how the 12 disciples may represent
the zodiac, resonates more so than taking every part of the bible literally.
Even if you are correct, God gives us free will to find our own destiny. Thanks.
The internet was a DARPA creation.
LifeLog would be much easier if people managed it on their own.
I'm alluding that decentralizing the internet would allow people to compile their own LifeLog,
beyond FB's capability. It would encompass all online activities, neatly packaged on one
account, without having to write sophisticated algorithms to capture it all.
But you don't get to keep it private and they can edit it to their contentment.
He's Flynn's boy. Anyone in the CI community serious about their career, wouldn't maintain an online presence.