Me as well anon. Kek indeed.
Ffs. Yet ur hear trying to preach to us. Be gone shill. Filtered.
I try not to but when u got 2 shills eating 20% of the bread, they clearly having absolutely nothing positive to contribute.
Well it doesn't get much slower then this. Good time to sharpen ur skills. I'm sure u'll do fine.
Btw, thanks for baking!! o7
Maybe eventually they'll get to their AI. But as of right now they just want to get rid of us on the right who are independent & think for ourselves. Our replacements are literally trying to take over right now? What do u think these antifa retards & all the soy boys on the left are for? That's who they want. Lazy pieces of shit that would rather collect a hand out paycheck from the government & spend their days doing remedial jobs & shooting heroin. In other words a nice lackey/slave. That's why the push for 'muh socialism.' It'll makes us dependent on (((them))).
KeK! That bitch is going down. Her & Eshoo.
Eerrmahgawd what the hell is it!?!? Kill it with fire. Please dear God. Better yet nuke it from orbit.
I didn't think u could find or make anything uglier then that pic of CBF but boy did u prove me wrong. Yikes!!