how come the bad people are so hideously ugly? it almost makes me suspicious, it's so cliche, like a scripted movie
>if Alwaleed and the C[I]A verify Snowden's account then it must really belong to that guy we call Snowden cuz they never lie
a few months ago i would have known this was sarcasm but i honestly can't tell anymore on this board with all the diversity we have now
then potus led them into a trap and shamed them out of ever using the word as a general slur again (disrespecting the 6 gorillion)
i wish i were as confident as you but the reality is that 70% of the people who aren't evil to start with will follow evil blindly if given half a chance
Like the stanford prison experiment and the word switch experiments (people check a box agreeing or disagreeing with statements on a paper, they flip the paper over and one word gets changed, like "X should be permitted" to "X should be prohibited"
Then they flip the paper back over again and are asked to give details on why they have the opinions they just checked.
Close to 70% can't remember 30 seconds later what their opinion was and can easily be tricked into supporting exactly the opposite.
With so many people that can't think at all, evil will always has tons of easy prey
best post
i don't know what to think. Except left eye+damage.
same eye the luciferians punch each other in
the pad is missing for a reason, just not sure why
>The integrity of the office must be preserved.
catch up, anon, someone already destroyed the integrity of the office
it's gone. poof. zero integrity
potus has integrity because of who he is but the office is nothing but a lie and has been for decades