Anonymous ID: 246e01 Oct. 27, 2018, 5:29 p.m. No.3631695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1738



Anons…was trying to post early this morning, as a reply to another anon’s theory about what (very probable) connections Mr. fake Native-American Sayoc/agawea has with the DS and a possible scenario of how he came into the picture (his parents are Irish and Italian I think). My post, in basic agreement with that anon, had three pictures I was trying to share to illustrate how contrived it appeared to me. As the site was under attack, I wasn’t able to. Said material is on another device and I’m still planning on posting it after this lengthy missive drops.


This morning, as the attack went on for so long, 502s, 522s whatever, I gave up. I had noticed Ron’s twatter post that the site was under attack, so I decided to run a necessary errand and try when I returned. My ‘spidey-sense’ SHOULD have registered. Hindsight though, is always 20/20. Just before leaving I saw a headline about what was happening in Pittsburgh and couldn’t help think it was tied to infinity’s assault in some way.


One point I want to make is that there’s an argument that can be made from either a white-hat or black-hat perspective regarding what had happened at the Synagogue WITH infinite being hit harder than I’ve ever experienced. NO COINCIDENCES. Briefly, the white hats could have knocked us out to prevent copycat incidents and prevent those psychologically in allegiance with what was happening from adding anything in the web-o-sphere. Ideas produce realities and the minute the match lights is the most tenuous for unpredictable, chaos-theory ramifications and unintended consequences to occur, including but not limited to, false information spreading, whether by design or a result of unknown facts becoming the basis for stories that would rapidly spread through twatter, plebbit, farcebook etc., and take on a lives of their own. The Whites may have called in General Nakasone to maintain order!


For the black hats, it could have been a move to blind us, thereby preventing us from sending any warnings out. The cabal knows infinite is the engine of the internet where ideas are often first reported. As they say, all for a larp? It’s fascinating no, how quickly Mr. Sayocagawea has been bumped from the headlines?


Anons, WE MUST HOLD OUR RESOLVE & KEEP OUR EYES ON THE PRIZE! November 6th MUST usher in a red wave. I’m not naïve. I expect, as per Q, it will continue to intensify, but that must not deter us. Even if we maintain the momentum with successful election results, I have no doubt the enemy will continue to strike. The former Clown director is a desperado and his time is nigh. We conservatives, anons and any other rational people, have ALWAYS maintained the moral high road. We know where the real violence originates, and who is spreading it. I have a collection of terrific videos anons (and Bannon) have made illustrating as much. Think of the civil-rights activists who sat at those café tables knowing full well they were going to be assaulted. Fire-hoses and dogs. All the while, dressed in finest church-attire and they NEVER lowered themselves to the level of evil being visited upon them. Think of the Iraqis, dipping their finger in purple ink, to vote in full defiance of the Taliban/Al-Qaeda and the constant threat of harm.




  • Mathew 11:12



Anonymous ID: 246e01 Oct. 27, 2018, 5:30 p.m. No.3631702   🗄️.is 🔗kun



For the VeteranAnons, as in old-timers, my (usually night shift) ranting are probably known and or recognized. I have spent countless hours over the past 10 months fighting moo joos in all their forms. In fact, I once posted my theory that there were basically three groups of them. I fervently opposed the Thomas & Betsy Traveling Road-show, when the FAKE Mr. Paine, a closeted Jesuit, started to leave some of the most vitriolic shit ever posted here. More recently I have called out OUR OWN Baker who seems to enjoy throwing a happy merchant in every pastebin dough-meme. Brock and Soros, their shillblue/media matters minions have been a constant source of my writing. I’m certain many of the most denigrating and insulting posts I’ve responded to were written by JDIF/MOS/Unit 8200 or whatever name you want to put on it. The latter category to me, has always smacked of COITELPRO/Agent Provocateur bullshit. Recently when Stephen Miller’s pos uncle published an op-ed denigrating his nephew, I posted my own op-ed, here at chan. The location where I leave my memes and posts, including of course this one, has never been intentionally hidden. CM/BO/BV would easily be able to trace my posts to two devices, one a static ip (desktop), the other a tablet on a wi-fi, but I’m guessing it leaves a more or less consistent ip trail.


Please accept the tl;dr, the spelling and grammar problems. My health is shot and I’m usually taking a handful of sleeping meds about now, hoping to be asleep in an hour. That’s why I’m usually around during the Night Shift. I wake up in what is the ultra-early morning hours stateside. Many people may first be going to bed and typically I still have to do to ‘work’ during the day.


For those, INCLUDING MYSELF, who are tired of the victim mentality, (yes, that includes everything related to the Holocaust, whether watching world leaders have to go to Yad Vasham, the openness/somewhat in-your-face lawsuits for repatriating stolen goods being returned through courts, most hollywood SJW bullshit, the imposition of special ‘hate speech’ laws and just about anything else you can think of), please keep in mind this is being reported as the largest single attack against Jews in the history of the United States. There were multiple fatalities. Sadly, it reminds me of the Amish school that that piece of shit entered one morning and shot most of the students. So PLEASE be patient with those people. It’s a raw, fresh wound and it will differ from the stuff mentioned above that many of us are tired of. My thoughts are directed to those of you who can get past what will certainly become a conspiracy similar to Sandyhook etc., and actually believe Jews died today (many here are utterly convinced the vast majority of Jews were told not to go to the WTC on NineEleven).


Though I have only read a couple of MSM reports, they both omitted information that Bowers himself had left online. Namely, that he hated President Trump. That’s a shame for many reasons but I guess not unexpected from the fake news as they’re chomping at the bit to try to pin anything on President Trump.



Anonymous ID: 246e01 Oct. 27, 2018, 5:30 p.m. No.3631710   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The main thing I wanted to express is that, though the greater Jewish community still doesn’t understand the harm caused by p.o.s. like Barbara Spectre and other prominent Jews advocating for ‘open borders’ and unfettered immigration, to me they have tremendous culpability for what occurred as well. Most American Jews are liberal, progressive types and they have conflated our ‘social justice warrior’ culture with ancient Judaic tradition. I would guess they think they are only being humanitarians helping the downtrodden acquire better lives through immigration, but they are TOTALLY IGNORANT as to the many reasons people are NOT supportive of it, including myself, whether it’s born out a desire for safety or another reason. What they don’t seem to grasp is many people, and it sounds like it applies to Mr. Bowers, resent what they feel is an attack on their heritage and identity. I happen to agree with the concerns, though, of course, not with ‘Bowers the Bastard.’ The meds have kicked in and I still want to post my three pictures of Mr. Sayoc. They show him inside at a rally holding up signs. But he had someone take three pictures within seconds of each other and now said images are being used, well they were until this morning, as illustrations for the main stories in an online newspaper’s website. I won’t edit that post and will simply post it as it was intended.


I think the most powerful footage I have ever seen which illustrates the anger those who feel their heritage is under attack, is the beginning of a documentary I highly recommend (embedded below). Though it’s been years since I’ve watched it, if memory serves, within the first 10 [TEN!] minutes you will see archival footage of a crime and be taken to a federal penitentiary in Norway, I think, where you will meet someone who (was) serving time for acting on his fervent beliefs about the events depicted in the archival footage. The film, called ‘Until the Light Takes US,’ covers music known as ‘Black Metal’ and is a fascinating documentary to watch, I include it for its powerful opening scenes. Though I had never heard this genre of music before, most of the music selected for the documentary is nothing short of mesmerizing.

Anonymous ID: 246e01 Oct. 27, 2018, 5:34 p.m. No.3631740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1783


I suspect we're dealing with some form of Brennan common-core as 2+2 is certainly not coming up 4.


This pos is waaaaayyyy over the top, as you say, into caricature land. The fake news all received the 4am memo and are making sure he's forever labeled the "magabomber." A side benefit being to tarnish anyone wearing a MAGA hat or in almost any other way outwardly showing support.


The attached two photos I think are illustrative. Two unambiguous signs, held high at a Trump rally, taken within only seconds of each other. This, when the guy's supposed to be a loner. Both images now being used as prominent leads for online 'news' sites….how convenient. It all has the feeling of being staged, in some fashion.


As I thought about how contrived it all feels Inhad a thought. Every villain was on the list but they overlooked one bloke….Alec Baldwin. Sloppy, it could have scored the trifecta.

Anonymous ID: 246e01 Oct. 27, 2018, 5:52 p.m. No.3631981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2014


Thanks anon. I had read same. That said, this guy is almost the perfect representation the left wants to have of a Trump supporter.


I think it's safe to say thre are a lot of unstable folks the likes of which the former Clown director could easily put a handler on, and over time, activate to 'perform' just about any misssion that's 'suggested.' Manchurian Candidate, if you will. Probaly thousands at the ready, already….though they don't know they're being 'influenced.'