So libtards are literally retarded - they fail at every one of those.
Spatial - they need to be bused to vote or protest, they couldn't get there on their own.
Naturalist - they believe in "settled science" Climate Change, therefore can't read nature.
Musical - Jay Z. Period.
Logical/Mathematical - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha HA! ha. Socialism.
Existential - more worried about how other people live, i.e not how they want them to live.
Interpersonal - the "tolerant" left?
Kinesthetic - seen that video of the fat, lesbian, beta cuck protestors beating up anyone other than the elderly or infirm? No, nobody has.
Linguistic - who invented safe spaces to avoid nasty words?
Intrapersonal - how many genders are there? and which one do you identify as today?