Anonymous ID: a5e2b2 Oct. 29, 2018, 12:03 p.m. No.3653463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3482 >>3615 >>3796 >>4022 >>4124



Al-Moallem: We will not allow anyone to interfere in our national affairs

“For more than seven years, we have been in a real war against terrorism, and today we can see the signs of victory despite all Western and American attempts to prolong the crisis for many years,” he said. He noted that despite the agreement on establishing a demilitarized zone in Idleb, there are still terrorists in the area in question, which shows that Turkey isn’t serious about fulfilling its obligations, and Idleb city is still under the control of terrorists. Al-Moallem said that the US and its “international coalition” killed thousands of unarmed Syrian civilians, as the US is in fact fighting everyone in Syria except Daesh, which it actually sponsors, citing what happened to Raqqa city as proof. He went on to say that under the pretext of supporting Syrian Kurds, the US has established bases in the north of Syria and a base in al-Tanf in the south, which is actually used to reorganize Daesh terrorists to fight the Syrian Arab Army.


Al-Jaafari: Terrorist war and sanctions imposed by the US and the EU cause the suffering for the Syrian people

Syria’s Permanent Representative at the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said that it’s strange how some of the delegations from permanent members of the Security Council insist on confusing humanitarian and political issues, as these delegations continue to obstruct humanitarian efforts in Syria.

During a Security Council session on Monday, al-Jaafari noted that in conjunction with this session, the illegal “international coalition” targeted Hajin city in Deir Ezzor with white phosphorus bombs, and in conjunction with the previous session, terrorists in Idleb fired 40 rockets at Aleppo city. Addressing a report on the “humanitarian situation” in Syria, al-Jaafari said that it is illogical for those who made the report to maintain their politicized attitude towards Syria and to keep overstepping their mandate, given the fact that top Western officials have confessed to their governments’ involvement in funding and sponsoring terrorists in Syria.


Putin appoints new ambassador to Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed Alexander Yefimov as Russian Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Syria. The president’s order was published on the official portal of legal information.


US–led coalition uses banned white phosphorus bombs in Deir Ezzor countryside

Warplanes of the US-led “international coalition” carried out another aggression on Syrian territory under the pretext of combating Daesh (ISIS) terrorists, bombing with internationally-banned weapons Hajin town in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. Local sources told SANA that during the past hours, the US-led coalition shelled several areas in Hajin town, 110 km east of Deir Ezzor city, with white phosphorus bombs Activists on social networking sites circulated pictures of the coalition’s strikes on Hajin town using phosphorus bombs.


Kurdish YPG Vows To Retaliate To Turkish Strikes On Its Positions In Northern Syria

We affirm once again that there was no any attack conducted from our side against the borders of the invader Turkish state and the only aim of their attacks is to create provocations and to help the ISIS terrorist structure,” the YPG said in its official account on Twitter.

It’s interesting to note that the YPG remarks once again exposed the fact that the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which are branded in the mainstream media as a coalition of “various militias”, are in fact the Kurdish-dominated group.

Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On October 29, 2018


Baker 1/2

Anonymous ID: a5e2b2 Oct. 29, 2018, 12:05 p.m. No.3653482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3615 >>3796 >>4022 >>4124





Idlib De-Escalation Agreements Are Temporary Measrue. Terrorists Will Be Eliminated: Russian Top Diplomat

Safronkov recalled that Idlib de-escalation agreements have been a temporary measrue from the very start and nobody has dropped the goal to eliminate terrorists in this part of Syria. He stated that militant groups violate agreements, including the ceasefire regime, on a cosntant basis and Russia keeps its right to assist the Syrian military operation there if provocaitions continue.


Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units Deploy Reinforcements On Border With Syria Amid Large ISIS Attack On SDF In Euphrates Valley

The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) released an official statement saying that the PMU is mobilizing its troops and sending reinforcements to the border with Syria. The PMU move is designed to prevent ISIS terrorists attacking the SDF from entering Iraqi territory. The Hajin pocket has for a long time been the ISIS only major stronghold in Syria. The US-led coalition and its “partners” from the SDF were not hurrying to deal with this threat because the ISIS presence in Syria provides for the US a formal justification to keep forces in the war-torn country. However, now it seems that this approach may have caused some problems for the US proxies.


Large amounts of weapons uncovered by authorities in Quneitra

SANA’s reporter in Quneitra said that authorities, in cooperation with reconciliation committees and locals, uncovered large amounts of weapons, including Israeli and US ones, medicine, trucks, and Western-made ambulances in the villages of Briqa, Beir Ajam and Rasm al-Sanad in Quneitra province.

Communication devices, a reconnaissance drone, US-made TOW missiles, and various weapons and ammunition, including missiles, tank shells, mortar rounds, anti-tank shells, explosives detectors, jamming devices, and night vision binoculars were also among the seized items.


IDF General Claims Israeli Air Force Will Feel No Difference If Syria Uses S-300

I hope very much that Syria will not misuse these missiles [S-300], because if Syria tries to intercept Israeli aircraft or fighter [jets], we will have to respond. It has already happened and it is not going to be different even if S-300 are involved. We are not going to initiate any attacks on these weapons but at the same time, these weapons do not have any immunity. We hope very much that the coordination between Israel and Russia will continue… We hope that Syrians will not make silly mistakes like it was done with the Ilyushin affair,” Dayan said.

Israel-Iran Armed Confrontation

If Iran continues to build an outpost in Syria, Israel will not be able to accept it. I do not think it will lead to a bigger clash… If Iran continues to try to achieve a nuclear capability, we think that Iran should be stopped. It is better to do it with sanctions, diplomatic efforts… boycotting the oil of Iran… We should continue to put pressure on Iran… Can Israel stop Iran? The answer is ‘Yes’ but we want to use it [military means] only as the last choice… Iran can be deterred but you do not deter a country like Iran with an ’empty gun,'” Dayan said.

Anonymous ID: a5e2b2 Oct. 29, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.3653513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3522 >>3573 >>3578 >>3615 >>3622 >>3796 >>4022 >>4124

White Helmets Started Filming Fake Chemical Weapons Attack - Russian MoD


According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the filming of the fake chemical weapons' attack has already begun.


The Russian Defense Ministry has stated that several dozens of 'White Helmets' members had arrived in the Syrian Aleppo province from Idlib to carry out a chemical weapons' provocation.

Anonymous ID: a5e2b2 Oct. 29, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.3653622   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The White Helmets have already started the filming, involving unknown local residents, the Russian military stated.


"Militants of illegal armed groups do not abandon their attempts to destabilize the situation in the Idlib de-escalation zone. The Russian center for reconciliation received information from residents of Aleppo that they [militants] are preparing another provocation with the use of toxic agents to accuse the government forces of using chemical weapons against the local population," Lt. Gen. Vladimir Savchenko said as quoted by Russia's Defense Ministry.


He said several dozen members of the White Helmets organization had arrived in Aleppo province to carry out the chemical weapons provocation, adding that terrorists had brought containers with toxic agents required for the provocation to Aleppo from Idlib.


"Members of the White Helmets organization are carrying out staged filming with participation of civilians unknown to local residents," he said.


Savchenko specified that, according to information received by the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation, militants planned to provoke the Syrian Armed Forces to open return fire, adding that their plan also included the staging, in a territory controlled by illegal armed units, of an artillery shelling with projectiles containing toxic agents allegedly conducted by Syria's military.

Anonymous ID: a5e2b2 Oct. 29, 2018, 12:22 p.m. No.3653646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3659 >>3674

Media Waging 'Psychological Warfare' Against Trump With Warnings Of Looming 'Staff Exodus'


We've heard this one before…


Even as polls have shown that Democrats' efforts to stymie the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, as well as their continued support for open borders as a migrant caravan trudges ever closer to McAllen, Texas, have only galvanized Republican voters ahead of the Nov. 6 midterms, the mainstream media has continued to push the narrative that the imminent blue wave will almost certainly wrest control of the House away from the GOP, forcing Trump and his cabinet officials into an uncomfortable position, as Democrats leverage their newfound power to subpoena staffers, senior officials and perhaps even the president himself. Fearful of being caught up in a drama with potential legal ramifications, Trump administration officials are preparing for a mass exodus during the lame-duck session that could leave the West Wing and the bureaucracy dangerously understaffed, according to Politico, Bloomberg and several other media organizations, all of which have in recent days published stories about rumored staff departures.

Anonymous ID: a5e2b2 Oct. 29, 2018, 12:24 p.m. No.3653683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3899

SF spends $300,000 to register noncitizen voters — a whopping 49 sign up


San Francisco’s effort to get noncitizen parents to the ballot box is pretty much a bust the first time out, with only 49 signing up to vote in the Nov. 6 election.


Back in July, the city began registering noncitizens — including undocumented immigrants — to vote in school board elections.


The program is the first-of-its-kind in California and followed passage of a 2016 San Francisco ballot measure opening school elections to noncitizens who are over the age of 18, city residents and have children under age 19.


The city spent about $310,000 setting up the new registration system and encouraging people to sign up.


But Donald Trump’s election quickly put a damper on enthusiasm for the idea. This year, city officials began voicing concerns that signing up could expose people here illegally to detection by Immigration and Customs Enforcement since voter rolls — including home addresses — could be subpoenaed by the feds.


Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer urged the city to spend as much as $500,000 to warn undocumented residents that registering to vote could point ICE their way — but then-Mayor Mark Farrell nixed her initial request for $125,000 to get the ball rolling.


Whatever the case, the tally to register noncitizen voters comes to about $6,326 per sign up.


At that price, let’s hope they vote.


Fire call: One of the people most surprised by San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White’s announcement that she is retiring on May 5 was Mayor London Breed.


For weeks, Room 200 and Hayes-White had been holding talks on the date of the long-standing chief’s exit. And the two sides were far from a deal.


The chief initially wanted to stay on until January 2020 to coincide with the end of her good friend, the late Mayor Ed Lee’s, second term. Breed wanted to start moving on a new chief by the end of this year.


As both a fire commissioner and supervisor, Breed had been a regular critic of the chief’s management style.


Meanwhile, Firefighters Union Local 798 — which backed Breed’s mayoral campaign big-time — has repeatedly called for Hayes-White’s ouster.


Hayes-White, however, is a force unto herself. Not only is she San Francisco’s first female and longest-running chief, she is one of he city’s most popular officials — especially in the Irish enclaves west of Twin Peaks.


Both sides knew the score, and neither wanted a bloodbath.


Talks were going back and forth when, out of the blue, Hayes-White announced she was leaving under her own steam — and that her ideal exit date was May 5, 2019, Lee’s birthday.


In effect, Hayes-White split the difference between when she wanted to go and when the mayor wanted her gone.


In a subsequent memo to the Fire Department, Hayes-White was less emphatic on the exit date — saying only that she was leaving in the spring. She also said she was “committed to a smooth transition for the department and for my successor.”

Anonymous ID: a5e2b2 Oct. 29, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.3653746   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cabalist Ex PM


Ousted leader Malcom Turnbull attacks PM Morrison's Jerusalem embassy plan - and says it will damage relationships with Muslim neighbours


Mr Morrison has floated the idea of moving the Australian embassy to Jerusalem

But his predecessor warned it could prompt a negative reaction in Indonesia

He said Australia should consider how its closest neighbours would react

Mr Turnbull is in Indonesia for an oceans conference on Monday and Tuesday


Ousted prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has issued a warning to his successor over his proposal to move the Australian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.


Speaking after a meeting in Bali with Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Mr Turnbull said the shift in foreign policy could prompt a 'very negative reaction'.


He said Australia shouldn't toy with the idea of moving the embassy, given the reaction it would prompt from its Muslim-majority northern neighbour.

Anonymous ID: a5e2b2 Oct. 29, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.3653771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3780 >>3796 >>3893 >>3901 >>4022 >>4124

Bernie Sanders Goes Against the Democratic Party Line, Says President Trump Isn’t to Blame for Pittsburgh Synagogue Attack


Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders does not blame President Donald Trump for the shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue, unlike many of his leftist peers.


“I’m not going to sit here and blame the president,” Senator Sanders said on Monday, according to a report from the Washington Examiner.


Bernie Sanders Goes Against the Democratic Party Line, Says President Trump Isn’t to Blame for Pittsburgh Synagogue Attack

by Cassandra Fairbanks October 29, 2018 15 Comments


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Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders does not blame President Donald Trump for the shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue, unlike many of his leftist peers.


“I’m not going to sit here and blame the president,” Senator Sanders said on Monday, according to a report from the Washington Examiner.


Like President Trump, Senator Sanders had a derranged fan who used political violence against his percieved enemies — shooting up the Congressional Baseball Game last year and injuring House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and several others. The shooter had screamed “this is for healthcare” as he opened fire, according to Senator Rand Paul.


White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders made this point today during her press briefing.


“It’s not the president, no more than it was Bernie Sanders’ fault for the individual who shot up a baseball field,” the press secretary asserted during the briefing.


While partisans have been busy pointing fingers, at least there are some who understand that the people responsible for these horrific attacks are the extemists themselves.