Love you baker
Two shills
The signs of a shill are
they never took the time to dig and find any evidence. Because they know this woman is an adult erotic model.
They immediately assume the worst and state it as if it is a FACT, instead of ASKING A QUESTION. For instance,…
BO could this model be underage?
You must be new here. Read this text and think for a bit, it should become clear.
Why do we look at skin color?
APART, we are weak.
This is Kacy Anne Hill
A professional model
NOT and erotic model
Who used to be the face of American Apparel
And whatever age she was when this photo was taken
It is NOT erotic
It is NOT porn
It is NOT illegal in the USA.
This is what we call POLITICAL CORRECTNESS
It is a hallmark of liberalism
Of fascism
And of all other Nihilist political philosophy.
This attitude calls for an elite group such as Communist party members
To decide what is correct and what is not.
Then the party cadre are informed of the elite's decisions
And they, like Antifa and the Sturmabteilung
Use threats of violence or force to get the sheep to comply.
Sorry folks, but you are the evil that we are fighting
And you will NOT get away with this by hiding under a MAGA hat.
Have you seen the Resignations tab in the left column at
The reason for highlighting this is that MOST PEOPLE ARE GOOD.
We do not intend to tar all people in a company as EVIL just because the top management is EVIL
Instead, we clean house.
Even CNN has lots of good people working for it.
As Q said….
Trust the plan.
Trust there are more good than bad.
The WORLD is helping.
We are not alone.
We are all connected in this fight.
Someone just photoshopped this nude image
She is a very ordinary woman in this photo
Also, Q told us that some of the drops have a signature block at the end with film titles. We have missed a few of those such as SPEED.
This drop ha potentially 3 film titles, but I can't find anything for Red Wave. Therefore, since we know WHITE SQUALL is a film title, the next line must be one too.
In God We Trust - 2013
Eleanor Squillari went to work every day believing she was working for a great company, a great man. For twenty-five years she sat 15 feet from Bernard L. Madoff as his personal secretary. She never imagined that he was perpetrating the largest financial crime in history. On December 11th, 2008, her life as she knew it was destroyed…until she decided to do something about it.
This has got to be a message from Q and it may be connected to other items from this drop, or from the Q clock.
And then there is this older comedy film
Here is the whole thing
1 hour 32 mins
In God We Trust - 1980