Anchor Babies
My wife's an OB Doc at a NORCAL hospital. Every day, in every hospital in California, thousands of turd worlders, fresh off a $2,000 plane ride from Crapistan, or some other turd world shithole waddle into the ER and are given "presumed eligibility" for MEDI-CAL. (free health coverage for leechfucks, been around for decades, nothing to do with Obamacare). Anyway, the abuse is staggering. They are all coached. They may not speak a lick of English, but they know how to say "You sign my WIC" "You sign my WIC" And they know to enter 000-00-0000 in the SSI column.
California's version of free healthcare works like this: SInce no hospital can refuse care, they must be taken care of, but MEDI-CAL says we will reimburse the hospital for a flat rate like 3700 for a delivery (or whatever, the amount is small) but most of these filthy, stupid diseased turd worlders have hi risk births and it typically costs the hospital 50 grand to extract these turds. (NICU, ICU, CRASH c sections etc). So, the hospital loses money, so they cost shift. When some sucker white american citizen with insurance comes in, the prices go up up up. (1 aspirin:= 37 dolla!) The more turd worlders that flood our health care system, the worse it gets, the more we pay and the less care we get.
Not to mention the effect of the diseases this human detritus brings, TB, typhus, malaria etc etc etc. Time to wake up peeps. This is a war.