Anonymous ID: 309711 Nov. 4, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.3728895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8948

Q#2403 is a flag with a TM on it. We looked it up and it is the AARP flag and that is their slogan.


–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


Q and Trump and any Anons out there… who read this. I am a Veteran of the Armed Services. I have never touched any public assistance and will not in the future. I am forced to pay into it at gunpoint so I pay but will never receive anything from it.


I am also homeless. Have been for 3 years now. Funny thing is this… I own a sweet piece of land with some nice trees on it. I have done a LOT of construction in the past and know how to do it. Hell, I even have some money saved up that I could use to build a small home for myself, my wife and my baby.


Doing so is illegal in my state and county… Let this sink in…. I own over 100 acres of land covered in trees. I am a skilled builder and can easily build a fine home myself. I am a hard worker and could rally friends and family to help me as well… BUT ALL OF THE ABOVE IS ILLEGAL IN OREGON.


Truth is, if you are in the USA and you "Own land" you don't own jack shit because you have ZERO rights to actually USE that land. The county government is THE ACTUAL OWNER of ALL LAND in the nation. The county holds TRUE TITLE to all land. They just rent it to us.


So I simply squat illegally on my own land. I will never leave. I will never bend. I will never ever ever let this go. Eventually the government will find me and burn my family and I down in some way or another. Its coming…. and it will all be for nothing when it happens.


ALLODIAL TITLE SHOULD BE A CHOICE that is recognized by the courts and the government since, you know…. ITS CONSTITUTIONAL.

Anonymous ID: 309711 Nov. 4, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.3729020   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah I totally agree but remember, there will be a million possible Ferris Beuler memes that I can make if this guys is in office. I figure I would be like Andy Dufresne and write him 'a letter a week'. You know, put some memes of him in the letter then point to here so he can see people's responses. I think he would shit his pants and start to dance any fucking way we TOLD him to dance if we went after him with memes on this board… Just sayin'. We need some state-boards here for state and local stuff. Would be nice to beat the shit out of local politicians at will as well. I will not fail to achieve my goal.