Susan Bucher, Palm Beach County Election Supervisor, former member of Florida House of Representatives
Playin' that race card!
by Philip Wegmann
| November 09, 2018 04:39 PM
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The supervisor for election in Palm Beach County doesn’t take criticism well. Susan Bucher, a Democrat who previously served in the Florida House of Representatives, accused her critics of racism.
Bucher called the criticism from President Trump, Gov. Rick Scott, and Sen. Marco Rubio “unfortunate.” But she didn’t stop there. Winding up quickly, the otherwise lethargic election supervisor accused those Republicans of “trying to disrupt our democracy because they don’t like the demographics of our voters.”
Sure, it could always be racism. But why resort to that when the obvious explanation is right there — Bucher is just demonstrably incompetent and obviously in violation of state law.
The colorblind law validates the criticism of Bucher. According to Title IX, Chapter 102 of the 2018 Florida Statutes, she isn’t doing her job. The law stipulates that all early voting and all vote-by-mail results be reported to the “Department of State within 30 minutes after the polls close.”
This did not happen. Instead, three days after Election Day, no one even knows how many votes are left to be counted.
Granted, Palm Beach County is the third most populous in all of Florida. Granted also, Bucher has a stressful and important job. She expressed some of these frustrations, telling WPBF News that “in a large county it just takes a long time,” before adding that “we don’t want fast, we want accurate. That’s what my job is.”
But if Bucher wants to look what a job well done looks like, she can look south to Miami-Dade County. That is the most populous county in the state, and yet somehow they turned in their tabulations in a timely manner. Miami-Dade counted 813,087 votes compared to Palm Beach’s 592,276 votes.
Race-baiting in the national spotlight is never a good look, especially when the official doing the race-baiting is incredibly incompetent and obviously in violation of the law.